Taps For American Legion Post 75 In Richey

The loss of a great community resource is nearing. With deepest regrets, the American Legion must start procedures to remove the charter of Henry Hanson Post 75, due to lack of veterans’ support. The post has been a staple of the community since 1920, a year after the American Legion was formed.

Your American Legion post has, over the years, provided final honors for uncounted deceased veterans, and assisted ailing or needy veterans. It has supported youth programs such as American Legion baseball. It has helped educate youth in Americanism through programs such as American Legion Boys State and the Oratory and Essay contests. It has also participated in the highway marker program to denote highway fatality locations, among many other things.

The American Legion as a national organization has been in existence for nearly 100 years, and is one of the nation’s leading advocates for veterans rights and youth welfare. It’s efforts led to the creation of what is now the Veterans Administration. It authored the GI Bill of Rights. It was a leading contributor in the formation of the American Heart Association, and through the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation has contributed over $11 million to youth organizations. It was also a major donor for the construction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, among many other things.

For lack of being able to keep a membership of only 10 war era veterans, the community is losing its voice in shaping the future for America’s heroes. Without the Legion and its local Post membership, Congress feels free to do what it wants when it comes to veteran’s benefits, affecting not only newly enlisted service members, but all who have served in the past. Numbers count, and your post counts.

I would like to make an effort to keep the Post in operation. If we can get sufficient interest, the post can be kept alive. According to numbers supplied to the American Legion, in Dawson County there are over 600 veterans eligible for membership. Are there not 10 of you living in the Richey area willing to sacrifice two or three hours a month to keep the post going? You have given a whole lot more in the past. For a small annual cost, the voice of Montana’s veterans can be kept alive in Washington, DC, and vital youth services can still be provided in Richey and the surrounding area. If you are willing to help, please contact me at either 406-740-2226 or [email protected]


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