Congratulations to Horse Creek School For Implementing a Tobacco-free Policy

Congratulations to Horse Creek School leadership for caring about the health of their students, staff and visitors. During a time of rapid change within our communities, Horse Creek School adopted a comprehensive tobacco-free policy. Upper Missouri District Health Unit commends the school’s outstanding accomplishment.

A comprehensive tobacco-free policy uses combined interventions, which provide positive role modeling, a safe environment and increase the possibility of youth choosing a tobacco-free lifestyle.

During this time of economic growth, efforts seem to focus on matters that are more visible affecting our community. The commitment to implementing a tobacco-free policy and making it a priority - shows strong leadership that focuses on the health of our communities. Horse Creek School has implemented the single, most-powerful strategy to keep its students free from tobacco addiction. Strong school policies, such as Horse Creek School’s tobacco-free policy, elevate the health of our youth and make caring for our youth a priority.

Upper Missouri Health District also thanks North Dakota voters for choosing to fund tobacco prevention programs. Funding for this program was made possible by an initiated measure by a vote of the people that requires a portion of tobacco settlement dollars to be used for tobacco prevention programs. To learn more go to


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