Steve Pust Named 2012 Cooperator of the Year

Steve Pust has been named 2012 Cooperator of the Year, by the Richland County Conservation District. The district looks at the different conservation practices implemented on the operations and if they work on a comprehensive plan of conservation. They also take into consideration their willingness to work with the District on projects and other conservation entities.

Pust was chosen following consideration of all of his efforts towards Irrigation conservation and water quality issues. “This is a total surprise to me,” Pust stated of his award.

Pust served on the Richland County Conservation District as a board member from 1993 to 2008, while also being a member on the Savage Irrigation District Board and Lower Yellowstone Irrigation District Board.

He is involved in a couple studies in the area as well. One is an aquifer study, trying to locate where the aquifer is under the valley. An aquifer is a body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. They are trying to get an idea of what is happening with the aquifer and what can be done with it. Another study Pust is involved in is an Irrigation Water Management Study, where they are comparing the efficiency of flood irrigation versus pivot irrigation. In the study, they have found that if you monitor the pivots very well to keep the water level constant, you will see good yields while conserving water. Pust personally prefers the pivot irrigation systems, as they are easier and less labor intensive. With the oil field, finding workers to run the flood irrigation systems is a challenge for Pust.

Pust has also been planting food plots in cooperation with Pheasants Forever for about ten years and the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks for about eight years.

Another practice Pust uses is cover crops, where he plants barley early in the year to prevent wind and water erosion on the fields. Two or three weeks later, he comes back through and plants sugar beets. The planted barley protects the new sugar beets, as they don’t handle wind very well when they are little. Then he will go back in and spray out all the barley, once the sugar beets are strong enough and need more room. This method helps his sugar beets to survive the windy conditions in the area.

Pust is also involved in the Field Demonstrations the NRCS puts on, where they sponsor a tour of various farms to show the practices and set ups in the area.

“When my wife told me I was chosen, it was a total surprise to me,” Pust stated, “but it’s nice to be recognized for what you do.”

Pust will be recognized and given his award at the annual Cooperator of the Year supper November 8th. The evening begins with a no host social at 5 pm and supper starting at 6pm. Cost for the supper is $12.00 and tickets are available at the Conservation Office.

For further information, please contact the Richland County Conservation District at 406-433-2103.


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