Acreage Reporting Deadline Approaching for Fall Seeded Crops

Farmers and ranchers in North Dakota are reminded that USDA’s Farm Service Agency has new acreage reporting deadlines for the coming crop year.  Producers must report fall seeded crops and perennial forage, which comprises grass, hay, alfalfa, and pasture, by November 15, 2012.

Aaron Krauter, State Executive Director for FSA in North Dakota, says the change comes as a result of a national effort to align acreage reporting dates between FSA and Risk Management Agency.  “The big change for North Dakota producers is that we now have two acreage reporting dates,” Krauter said.  “You still need to report spring crops by July 15th, but if you’re planting a crop like winter wheat that will be harvested in 2013 or have hay or pastureland, it’s important to get those crops reported by November 15th.”

Because of the change in reporting dates, late-filed fees will not be assessed if producers miss the November 15th, 2012 deadline.  “Going to two different acreage reporting dates is a new thing for producers in North Dakota, and we understand that it’s going to take a while to get everybody thinking about coming into their county office in the fall,” Krauter said.

Producers should contact their local FSA county office if they are uncertain about reporting deadlines.  In order to meet FSA program eligibility requirements, producers must submit timely acreage reports. Reports filed after the established deadlines must meet certain requirements to be accepted. 


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