Unemployed? Need Help Finding A Better-Paying, Stable Job?

Rural Employment Opportunities (REO) goal is to help Montanans improve their earning ability through increased education and training. REO Employment and Training Specialist, Debi Delamater is located in Glendive and serves Eastern Montana. Qualifying applicants may receive free services that include: job search assistance and financial support for job-focused training or education. Delamater can be contacted by calling 1-406-852-0769 or e-mail her at [email protected].

REO’s Agricultural Worker Program is for farm, ranch and other ag workers who earn a wage, but still don’t make enough to get by on. We offer opportunities for workers to improve earning ability in agriculture or to find work outside of agriculture. REO staff members work closely with participants, helping them determine the best ways they can reach those goals. Participants may choose to attend a vocational, technical or trade school for short-term job training or to enter a work-related college program. We also help with the things that a person might need to be successful in a new job. Items like work boots, eyeglasses or clothing for an interview. We know that these items can be essential to getting and keeping a good job.

The Rural Montana Saves program is a matched-savings program. Every dollar a participant saves at their Credit Union is matched with three dollars. A participant can save up to $500 and earn $1,500 in matched funds which can be used toward reaching college, job training or self-employment goals. Once a participant completes their goals, they will be able to save up to $2,000 to pay for tuition, books, supplies, or other education or training-related costs. Some participants may also qualify for supportive-service funds, which may be used to assist with items that are needed for a participant to be successful in school and the workforce.

More information and applications on Rural Montana Saves are available by contacting REO at 1-800-546-1140 or [email protected]. Applications and information are also available at http://www.reomontana.org, click on Employment and Training.


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