How To Drink Responsibly


What are the consequences of over consumption of alcohol?

Short term health effects:






Stress due to embarrassment/humiliation

Injuries due to fighting

Long Term Health Effects:

Liver damage


Memory loss


Inflammation of pancreas

Weakened immune system

Increased heart failure risk

Increased stroke risk

Increased cancer risk

Sexual dysfunction

Neurological damage

Increase effect of diabetes & hypertension

Decreased effectiveness of medications

Shortened life span of five to ten years

Personal Risks:

Arrest for DUI or public intoxication

Loss of your driver’s license and or professional certifications

Loss of your job

Excess spending and financial costs

Damage or loss of personal relationships

Increased risk of “unintentional” injury to you or others

Increase for STDs or unwanted pregnancy

Damaged to your personal/professional reputation

Recent studies showed the economic loss related to DUI and alcohol related injuries and crashes to the state of Montana were 178 million dollars.

The Richland/McCone County DUI Task Force members represent a diverse cross-section of our community, including concerned citizens, government officials, law enforcement, health professional, prevention and treatment specialist, business professionals and others. The DUI Task Force is dedicated to promoting a healthier and safer environment for the residents of Richland & McCone Counties by reducing injuries and fatalities related to over consumption of alcohol and impaired driving. Please contact Mary Friesz, DUI Task Force coordinator at the Richland County Health Department to make a differences and for resources and information.


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