Sidney High School Girls Volleyball First “Pack the Place In Pink”

This year the HS Girls Volleyball team has “teamed-up” with the “Pack the Place in Pink” organization out of Billings to help raise money for Breast Cancer.

Pack the Place in Pink was originally established when Vicki Carlyle, the Head Volleyball Coach at Billings Skyview was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.   Skyview HS held a fundraiser for Vicki when she was first diagnosed, and from there it has snowballed throughout Billings and Montana towns.    Vicki is now a two-time breast cancer survivor.  Last year Pack the Place in Pink raised over $60,000 for Montana Women!

The mission of Pack the Place in Pink is to promote regular mammogram screenings and to help breast cancer patients. A portion of our aid goes to Susan G. Komen for breast cancer research. However, PPP’s main objective is to help local, Montana breast cancer patients. We are a Montana project working to support breast cancer patients in Montana, providing them with financial assistance in all of our local communities.

The Girls are very excited about raising money for breast cancer and doing what they can for breast cancer awareness.    One of the ways the Pack the Place in Pink raises money is through Sponsorships.    To date, the girls have successfully raised $7,700 in local sponsorship.    How this works is if an individual or business will sponsor $500 or more, their name or business logo will be printed on the back of the Pack the Place in Pink Tshirt.   The girls are pre-selling these pink Tshirts for $6.00.      We would love each of you to purchase a pink Tshirt and wear it proudly on October 9, 2012 and to attend our game!

Here are some of the ways the girls are raising money. Saturday, August 25, 2012 the volleyball girls held a traveling bake sale.   The Girls made $853.00 from the bake sale to donate to Pack the Place in Pink.   We plan to hold another one on Monday, September 24, 2012 when we have our PIR day.

Sidney Health Center has graciously sponsored purchasing pink game jerseys for the Varsity girls to wear the night of the Pack the Place in Pink!   The program received new game jerseys this year and Coach DiFonzo was able to get a pink jersey to match the set of maroon and white jerseys.   The Volleyball program will maintain ownership of these jerseys so each year the jerseys can be worn on the night the Pack the Place in Pink is held!  Thanks to SHC!

Both of our local grocery stores have agreed to let us sell pink ribbons at the checkout counter, similar to the MDA/March of Dimes.   Please consider purchasing a pink breast cancer ribbon when you buy your groceries for $1.00 each!    All of the ribbons will be collected the day of the event to be displayed in the HS gym.   Breast Cancer ribbons will be available, Tuesday, September 4, 2012.

The boys football team has agreed to help out the girls with selling our Breast Cancer Ribbons!   Each football player will sell 10 Breast Cancer Ribbons and this money will all be donated to our local Sidney Breast Cancer Coalition as we feel it is important to support not only Montana Breast Cancer, but to help out our local organization as well.   Thanks guys!

Jars are also being placed for free will donations at SuperPumper, Cenex, Millers’ Corner and Loaf ‘n Jug.  

Each home game, Lexi Prevost and Whitney Leuenberger will be showcasing their baking talents.   Whitney will make a specialty cake and Lexi will make a homemade cheesecake to raffle.   The raffle will be set up in the main hallway after school.    The table where the raffle will be held will also sell Breast Cancer Ribbons for $1.00.

The night of the event on October, 9, 2012 a silent auction will be held in the main hallway.  Businesses or individuals willing to donate an item or items for a basket of their choice will be greatly appreciated.

We encourage all of you to come out and support our girls on October 9, 2012 at 7:00 PM.    There will be a short program to thank our community for their support, and importantly to honor our Breast Cancer Survivors.   We would like to see as many Breast Cancer Survivors and their families there as possible!   We hope to make this an annual event and I think we are off to a great start!


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