Deer Season for Young Hunters Opens Sept. 14

Friday, Sept. 14 at noon signals the start of a nine-and-a-half day deer hunting season for youth ages 12-15.

Licensed youth ages 12 and 13 are allowed to hunt statewide, but only for antlerless white-tailed deer. Deer hunters age 14 or 15 with a “youth season” license can hunt statewide for any deer, except antlerless mule deer in units 3B1, 3B2, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E and 4F. In addition, a special license is required to hunt antlered mule deer in those same units.

After opening day, hunting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Solid daylight fluorescent orange vests or coats, and hats are required for all young hunters and their adult mentors.

Each youth deer hunter must be under direct supervision of an adult while in the field.

In addition to the deer license, hunters must possess a general game and habitat license and hunting certificate.

The youth deer season closes Sunday, Sept. 23.


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