How To Drink Responsibly

Women who lose count and control increase their chances of a STD and unwanted pregnancies. They are also at a higher risk of sexual assault.

As little as two beers can cause loss of judgment and causes trouble when doing two tasks at once. Three beers can reduce coordination and ability to track moving objects and cause difficulty in steering. Four beers can reduce the ability to control speed and difficulty processing information and reasoning. Seven beers cause serious difficulty controlling the car and focusing on driving when consumed by an average size man.

Go to: http://rethinkingdrinking.niaaa.nih.gov for more information and calculators on alcohol.

The Richland/McCone County DUI Task Force members represent a diverse cross-section of our community, including concerned citizens, government officials, law enforcement, health professional, prevention and treatment specialist, business professionals and others. The DUI Task Force is dedicated to promoting a healthier and safer environment for the residents of Richland & McCone Counties by reducing injuries and fatalities related to overconsumption of alcohol and impaired driving. Please contact Mary Friesz, DUI Task Force Coordinator at the Richland County Health Department to make a difference and for resources or information.


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