Eastern Montana Bible Camp Songfest To Be Held August 5

“Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1. It is indeed with much joy and gladness that we invite you to the Eastern Montana Bible Camp’s annual Songfest on August 5, 2012. It is a very special day set aside each summer for a time of celebration for what the Lord has done for our Camp and the influence it has on the lives that are touched there. The song services are at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. EMBC is providing the main dish and beverages. Please bring a salad or dessert to share.

You will be blessed by the beautiful congregational singing and the special music provided by young and old alike from the surrounding area. You are also welcome to join us in uplifting our Lord by bringing a special number or two. Whether you are a newcomer or a regular attendee, you are welcome to take part. Also, take time to check out the campground and the improvements that are being made.

EMBC (406-583-7551) is located at 1862 Road 523, Bloomfield, which is 18 miles northeast of Bloomfield, 14 miles southwest of Lambert and 16 miles southeast of Richey. Signs are at the intersections 11 miles north of Bloomfield and south of Lambert at the Y.

If you would like to participate with special music, please contact Janet Fatzinger (406-583-7577).

We also hope to have a community choir for the evening service.

A freewill offering will be taken for the current projects.


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