Sunrise Festival of The Arts Thank You

The Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture recently hosted the 22nd Annual Sunrise Festival of the Arts. We wish to thank the business community for the prize donations & sponsorships. Your continued generosity to this community is amazing. Our heartfelt gratitude also extends to the volunteers who offer their time, energy and laughter in several ways throughout the day. It is always exciting to see how talented our neighbors are. The value you add to this event is immeasurable. We also want to say thank you to the residents of Richland County and surrounding areas who took time from your busy schedules to be there.

To all our vendors…you rock!

The support we receive is appreciated by both the Chamber as well as the vendors that attend; the event would not be successful without you and your participation!

Thank you again, The Sunrise Festival Committee

Arch Ellwein, Enid Huotari, David Moore, Karen Scheopp, Deb Sing, LaVanchie Starkey, Wade VanEvery and Jonna White.


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