Area Field Days Scheduled

Every summer, area extension offices along with the Williston Research Extension Center and the Eastern Agricultural Research Center host field days so agricultural interests can learn what researchers and others have learned about crop varieties and crop management techniques. Growers can observe for themselves which crop varieties perform best under local environmental conditions and how well these same varieties perform under experimental conditions. The tours also provide disease management information and information on pesticides as well as offering other pertinent information that helps growers make wise decisions.

This year’s round of field tours begins on July 19 with the Swank Tour in Roosevelt County and with the Eastern Agricultural Research Center’s tour in Sidney. Attendees at the Swank tour will inspect spring wheat test plots and enjoy a steak supper following the tour.

Those who attend the EARC field day on July 19 will have the opportunity to hear discussions on barley, safflower, sugarbeets, the new variety of durum released by Dr. Joyce Eckhoff, a discussion on the foundation seed program, and other informative updates. This year also Ron Ahlgren with the Montana Department of Agriculture will be present to collect cleaned #2 high density polyethylene pesticide containers for recycling. Ahlgren will also demonstrate the grinder used to shred these containers into material used at a recycling facility.

Valley County will offer a field day on July 20. The tour includes a look at small grains test plots followed by a noon meal.

The Williston Research and Extension Center (WREC) will hold its annual dryland field day on July 24 and its Nesson Valley irrigated tour on July 25. The WREC will hold its field days in conjunction with the MonDak Ag Showcase, an event designed to highlight the importance of agriculture to those in the energy industry. The dryland tour, held on July 24, will feature two concurrent sessions; a field tour and a horticulture program. WREC will also offer a water screening at the Ernie French Center from 9-noon. People can bring in water samples (12-15 ounces in a clean bottle) for a complementary screening.

In the afternoon, people can attend sessions at the Williston Airport International Inn, when speakers will discuss topics of importance to agriculture and to the energy industry.

The Nesson irrigation tour begins at 8 (CDT) on July 25. Staff from NDSU, the University of Minnesota, and USDA-ARS will discuss various topics including fungicide disease control, cropping systems, and no till information.

McCone County will host a field day on July 24 to look at small grain plots.

Plan to attend one or more of these field tours, and learn new information about what is happening in the world of crops. As complete information on many of these tours was not available by press time, please contact your local county agent if you have questions or want more information about a particular tour.


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