Spare The Life Of A Young Wild Animal

Every spring FWP biologists, wardens and other field personnel begin to hear stories of how an "abandoned" newborn wild animal was "rescued." Unfortunately, in most cases this means the rescuer separated the young animal from a nearby parent.

"If you care, leave them there," is FWP's annual advice this time of year. The hope is to spare newborn wildlife the sad fate of being separated from the only parent capable of teaching it to live free in the wild.

Please do not photograph, move or attempt to feed newborn wildlife. Always keep dogs on leash when recreating outdoors this time of year and be aware of ground nests.

To protect Montana's deer and elk from the impending threat of Chronic Wasting Disease, FWP is unable to accept, hold, or rehabilitate deer and elk. Should someone bring a deer fawn to FWP, it must be returned to the site where it was found, or euthanized.

Other wildlife species, such as birds and small mammals, are also best left in the wild. Usually, young animals picked up by humans can't be rehabilitated, and they are often abandoned by adult animals once humans have become involved.

Numerous incidents have shown that a newborn wild animal's best chance at survival and a quality life occurs if you care enough to leave them where they are.


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