Recycling Truck For Plastic Pesticide Containers Featured At ARS Field Days

Producers interested in recycling their plastic pesticide containers will have an opportunity to do so at two back-to-back field days set for June 28th and 29th at Froid and Sidney. A specially equipped, pesticide container recycling truck from the Montana Department of Agriculture will be on hand at both events to recycle cleaned containers from tour participants.

On hand to demonstrate the portable unit will be Recycling Technician Ron Ahlgren from the Montana Department of Agriculture. As part of his demonstration, Algren has agreed to recycle plastic pesticide containers from interested tour participants. Please note, however, that only #2 High Density polyethylene (HDPE) plastics will be accepted and they must all have been properly cleaned.

Proper cleaning instructions include triple rinsing or power rinsing of containers and removal of label booklets, lids and foil liners, along with rubber gaskets and metal handles on larger containers. Cleaning details are available at MDA’s website at, or by calling or e-mailing Carli Lofing, at (406) 444-9615 or [email protected].

According to Ahlgren, the state’s Pesticide Container Recycling Program was created to keep pesticide container plastic out of Montana’s landfills. Under the program, the PCRP truck arrives at predetermined collection sites to collect and grind all properly cleaned pesticide container plastic. The shredded plastic is then shipped to an approved recycling facility where it is reused in a variety of products including landscape edging, speed bumps, pallets and more. Recycling is also beneficial because it reduces the amount of solid waste entering Montana’s overburdened landfills and helps to protect the state’s natural resources, Ahlgren added.

Ahlgren will be demonstrating the truck at the annual Froid Research Farm Tour on Thursday afternoon, June 28th, and again the following morning during the Sidney ARS Research Farm Tour on Friday, June 29th. The Froid farm is located 8 miles north of Culbertson on MT Highway 16. Registration is at 1:00 pm. and the day’s activities conclude with a free steak dinner at 5:30 pm sponsored by the Sheridan and Roosevelt County conversation districts.

The fourth annual Sidney “Dryland” Field Tour will be held Friday, June 29th, from 9 am to 12:30 pm at ARS’ Research Farm located about 4 miles north of Sidney along MT Highway 16. Take a left on County Rd. 129 and another left on County Rd. 346 to reach the farmsite. The event concludes with a free “farmer’s lunch” designed to be lower in sodium and provided by the 2012 Extension Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Grant.

Both field tours are sponsored by the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney, MSU Extension Offices in Richland and Roosevelt Counties, and the Roosevelt and Sheridan County Conservation Districts. Other topics at the 2012 tours include: cover crop demonstration studies; Russian olive and wheat stem sawfly research, and forage and soft white winter wheat hardiness trials. Headlining both events is North Dakota State University Professor Jeff Stachler, who will discuss herbicide resistance in weeds.

Two private pesticide points will be available. Commercial pesticide points are pending. Everyone welcome!

For more information on either of these events, contact Beth Redlin at 406-433-9427.


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