History Alive! Features James A. Fisk At Fort Buford State Historic Site

Wagon Train Captain James A. Fisk will appear at Fort Buford State Historic Site near Williston on June 16 and 17, 2012. Performances will be at 1 and 4 p.m. (CT). Portrayed by Arch Ellwein as part of the popular History Alive! program, James A. Fisk will discuss his life as a wagon train captain in the 1860s.

The free History Alive! performances are part of the summer programs sponsored by the state’s history agency, the State Historical Society of North Dakota.

Captain James A. Fisk, was commissioned a Union Army officer, but led no command and was rarely at a military post. He led wagon trains of emigrants and gold seekers from Minnesota to what he deemed the promise land in Montana.

Arch Ellwein is an advertising consultant and Williston-Sidney area actor and children’s theater director.  Since 1996, he has been bringing historical figures to life for audiences in nine western states, including President Theodore Roosevelt and, more recently, Yellowstone Vic Smith, a buffalo hunter, frontier scout, and hunting guide for Dakota Territory entrepreneur, the Marquis de Mores, and Grant Marsh, probably best known as the Missouri River steamboat captain of the Far West, which brought back the wounded after the Battle of the Little Bighorn in June 1876.


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