A documentary project, seeking to document the lives of six brothers growing up in McKenzie County during the Great Depression, World War II years and beyond, has been progressing.
“We’ve raised enough financial support to begin the interview process,” says Daniel Stenberg, a grandson of one of the six brothers, who is co-producing the documentary preliminarily titled 6 Brothers with Prairie Public Broadcasting. “Thanks to the generous support of over 70 individuals and businesses, a grant from the North Dakota Humanities Council and support from Prairie Public, the project has raised approximately $61,000 of the nearly $75,000 budget.” The project, which will be based on the six Stenberg brothers—Arnold, Casper, Christian, Henry, Raymond and Selmer (all deceased)—will be told through interviews with neighbors and relatives. Additionally, community leaders and humanities scholars will also be interviewed to include more information about the activities of the surrounding area and state. Stenberg says the goal is to appeal to those viewers interested in how local, national and international events—primarily during the 1920s-1950s—affected a common North Dakotan family. Filming of interviews will begin in June, and the project is hoped to be completed sometime in the middle of 2013 provided sufficient funding is raised in time.
Any business or individual wanting to make a donation to the project and get their name in the credits can make a tax-deductible donation to the “Pioneer Museum of McKenzie County” with “6 Brothers project” in the memo line. Checks can be dropped off at the museum, or mailed in to the museum at PO Box 699, Watford City, ND 58854.
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