Dakota Soda And Coffee Company

Chuck Wilder of Books on Broadway, 12 ½ W. Broadway in Williston, ND is a collector of old toys and things; his bookstore is somewhat of a museum in its own right. A number of years ago, he and his late wife, Robin, allowed their love for great coffee and good conversation to bring the idea of adding a coffee shop to fruition.

Today, on the rear wall is a lovely leaded glass bar from an old fountain shop in Fortuna, ND. Once belonging to Jimmy Storheim, the fountain ran from 1923 to 1958. It was part of a store that sold a wide variety of items and there are many whimsical stories about him that Wilder hopes to gather, publish and provide to his guests. The husband and wife purchased the back bar and counter in 1998 at auction. The fountain, however, was inoperable. They brought it home 61 miles and it took nearly 10 years to get the coffee shop up and running. Building the area in steps, the pair hired finish carpenter, Bob Bartels, to construct the dining booths. Bartels matched the façade and décor so well; they look as if they were completed in the same era.

In its new home, the bars grape motif is back lit and vibrant, making one feel as if a piece of calm garden space has been brought in to greet you. Wilder has deftly filled the shelves with apothecary bottles that are in keeping with the age of the piece.

The high ceiling is adorned with beautiful antique tin, saved from Webster’s Elementary School of Williston, circa 1906. Its lighting comes from the original Central school, built in 1899. The use of cork flooring keeps the interior decoration grounded in the past. In order to separate the coffee from the book store, a hanging collection of stained and leaded glass antique windows finish the mood nicely.

With coffee from Allegro, a subsidiary of Whole Foods, Wilder brews an excellent cup of coffee. He offers gourmet chocolates from a chocolatier from Minnesota. His Biscotti and Coffee Cakes are shipped overnight from a baker also in Minnesota. Mr. Wilder hopes to someday soon fulfill his dream of making his business a full on, old fashioned soda fountain with all the amenities. To date, he has been unable to find the suitable hardware that will make that happen. He gladly accepts any suggestions and help to making that dream a reality.

A retired attorney and well-read historian, he is very aware of Williston history, business and lore. Plugged in to the commercial community, he’s a member of the thriving 20 plus member Downtown Association. Together, they are working to save the beauty and personality that was designed and now preserved by industry leaders past and present. He’s a delight to visit with and gladly shares his knowledge with his guests.

The shop is open Monday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Tues. through Sat. 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call him at 701-572-1433.


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