Advocate For Your Library & Build Resources For Richland Co.

The Sidney-Richland County Library Foundation is looking to recruit new board members, invite members of the community to become Friends of the Library, and share how they plan to support the Library Board of Trustees in building a 21st century ready facility for our Library. Anyone with an interest in the Library or life-long learning opportunities in Richland County is encouraged to come to the meeting on April 30th, 6:30pm at the Library. The Library is a critical piece of infrastructure for our community, and Library programs and services have a real impact on our lives and economy. As the 2012 Montana Library of the Year, they’ve proven that they provide some of the best Library services in the state, but we all know that the oil boom is bringing rapid growth to our area, and the current building simply does not have the space or tech features to keep up.

Although the Library’s primary funding comes from the City of Sidney and Richland County, public funding is not enough to provide for everything the Library would like to do for the community. The Foundation is here to bridge that gap, administering an endowment fund, planning fundraising events, and advocating for the Library and its role in our community. With all the changes in our region, we need to step up our efforts to help the Library do as much as possible to support everyone impacted by the oil boom, from local residents to newcomers. The Library is THE local resource for information and events, from eBooks and print materials to trainings, family-friendly activities and more. That’s why we’re recruiting board members and inviting others in the community to become a Friend of the Library by making a small donation and staying up-to-date with our newsletter. Even if you don’t want to join, please consider coming to learn more about us and the Library, and share your thoughts.

If you’re interested in joining the board, more information about our mission and the board’s role can be found at: We’ll have details about the Friends program at the meeting, and hope you’ll be able to join us on April 30th at 6:30pm at the Library for our Annual Meeting as we renew our commitment to the Library and all the great things they do for our community.


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