4-H News

Lambert Hi-Liters Hold Meetings

The Lambert Hi-Liters held their third and fourth meetings of the 4-H year on Dec. 11, 2011 at 1 p.m. and Jan. 8, 2012 at 2 p.m. at the Fox Lake Senior Center, Lambert. Roll call was naming your favorite animal and choosing Coke or Pepsi.

We discussed the basketball court project, steer weigh-in, Junior Leaders winter party, project meetings, beef and cheese stick sales and RecLab.

For new business, we discussed the upcoming county speech and demonstration day, Ag Days livestock judging contest, shooting sports, horse workshop. We also had a leader agree to pick up the club’s project materials for distribution to members.

Following the December meeting, Zach did a demonstration on his iPod Touch. We exchanged Christmas gifts then watched movies, and had hot dogs and s’mores for our party.

Following the January meeting, Rita did a speech on different horse disciplines and Sarah did an illustrated talk on Mustang Markings.

Our next meeting is Feb. 12, 2012 at 2 p.m. at Fox Lake Senior Center.


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