Letter to the Editor

Was it a “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Holidays”, or “home with the family” at your house last week? Nikki McAlpin’s letter to the editor regarding Social Service’s abduction of children raised the above question.

Yes, we’ve all experienced holidays without family present, but we’ve been able to write, send gifts, or visit them via telephone calls. This is not the case with abducted children. Family contact might thwart the SS’s master plan of brainwashing children to believe their parents don’t care. They go MONTHS with no physical contact with parents, family, friends; also no verbal or written connection. What damage is this doing to the mind of a vulnerable child or teenager? It has to be detrimental! Everything they’ve ever known or loved is ripped from them instantly. They have to feel unloved, abandoned, and helpless. This is removing the heart and soul from child and parents alike.

Our forefathers writing the US Constitution gave us the Freedom of Religion. School children since 1892 have been reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. “Under God” was added by Congress in 1952. Where’s “one nation, under God” and “to liberty and justice for all” in the case of these children Social Service abducts?

Whatever happened to our past generations’ and our own Christian Biblical beliefs of child raising such as, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord”, “Honor your father and mother”, “Train up a child in the way he should go”, and “Do not withhold discipline from a child”? They would still work, but the SS and others subvert this foundation, giving children a rebellious upper-hand.

As parent/grandparent, 47-year 4-H leader, and former teacher, I’ve seen this eroding of respect for anyone in authority from too many of today’s youth. Couldn’t this be prevented by removing the fear parents face of SS involvement for reasonable discipline?

Did you receive “holiday greetings” from the County Treasurer’s office? How many of your tax dollars (mills) go to County coffers of Human Services (SS) to abduct children?

Don’t we as citizens of “this nation under God” need to stand up and become involved, not complacent, in getting our freedoms back and making this country once again “for and by the people”? As government grows, our freedoms shrink.

This is an election year; become engaged. Look at incumbents’ records in government and in local elected offices; make your vote count; get our country back “to the people”!

Support ABOLISHING THE SS CHILD WELFARE DIVISION: email [email protected] or write NDFB, PO box 2064, Fargo, ND 58107.

Gwen Roffler

Grassy Butte, ND


Reader Comments(2)

Lilkiwi writes:

Unless you have researched this than your comment is complete nonsense! This is a huge problem in this country. They take children that they can get money from the parents and leave children for which they cannot profit. I have witnessed this. Read up on it! https://www.causes.com/causes/661915-end-the-social-services-child-abduction-systems-worldwide

LIE writes:

I just so happened to stumble across this article and all I can say is, this is a joke. I don't think there is such thing as social services taking your children away without you doing something to deserve it. So quit trying to convince the world, Nicole Chambers, that you are a heavenly Christian parent. Thank God above that Brett and Stacey's children were taken from you before anymore damage could be done! They are NOT your children, never have been and never will be...

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