Letter To The Editor

Regarding the North Dakota Farm Bureau lobbying because Social Services is completely out of control: lobbying for one more government agency to be a ‘watchdog’ over them is not the answer. The government should never have the right to be kidnapping children or paying some ‘foster’ person to raise the kidnapped children. The outcry of parents across the U.S. needs to be heeded: GET RID OF THE SS ‘CHILD WELFARE’ DIVISION. There is no welfare for the children because of the SS. Children are severely abused by Social Services.

The SS is literally buying and selling children. How much more illegal can it get? And why is our government not only tolerating this, but condoning this?

The SS has completely destroyed families, violated Constitutional freedom of religion, violated laws of kidnapping, corrupted justice in court rooms, turned classrooms into free-for-alls, violated parents’ rights to raise their children, harassed parents who take their children for medical care, and developed the most disrespectful generation of children our country has ever had. Teenagers in particular have been programmed to perpetuate their rebellion by threatening their parents with calling the SS.

As you are reading this, children are being abducted and abused by the SS this moment. And families are being completely destroyed. There is no way to describe the torment and raging trauma that children and parents are suffering right this minute, as the SS rips them apart from each other and executes their torturous, lawless process upon each one of them. It is exactly the horror that parents and children suffered when Hitler’s SS grabbed their children and drug them off.

Children who are actually abused are not being helped. But parents who have jobs and money, who are trying to raise their children to be law-abiding, respectful citizens, and especially Christians raising children to be Godly, are in the line-of-fire of having the SS kidnap their children. Then the SS literally steals money from their paychecks and their Social Security monies, and the SS lines their own pockets with the money. These statements are actual facts; not exaggerations. Every one of them is documented in cases across this country, and especially in North Dakota.

The fuel for Social Services to abduct children is slander and malice by any person who wants to exact revenge against another person, or a rebellious teenager defying his parents. There are absolutely no grounds needed for the SS to abduct children. No evidence is required. And once the children are abducted, absolutely no justice occurs to either the children or the parents. And evidence that proves the children were NOT abused is thrown out by corruption in the court room. The SS functions completely lawlessly. And our children become victims of severe abuse by the SS and the families are completely destroyed.

North Dakota Farm Bureau needs to lobby to ELIMINATE the SS ‘child welfare’ division completely. If a child is actually abused, local law enforcement can be called, and only when there is concrete evidence of abuse, can the child then be taken to a relative. Teenagers should never be allowed to rebel against their parents, and most certainly not have some government agency help them to do so. And if a foster house is needed for the lack of a relative, then fostering should be voluntary. Currently foster houses are people who make money by taking in kidnapped children. Our government should never have the right to kidnap children and pay people to keep them.

The horror of abduction equivalent to Hitler is an atrocity that should be unthinkable in this country.Yet it is here. The SS in our own country. We must lobby to ELIMINATE this horrendous organization.

Nikki McAlpin

Grassy Butte, ND


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