Keynote Speakers Scheduled For 2012 Wheat Show

A Little Bit Country

Farm management practices, commodity markets, and soil health are key issues to be discussed during the 59th National Hard Spring Wheat Show scheduled Feb. 6-8 in Williston.

One of the keynote speakers for the event will be Dr. Danny Klinefelter, Texas A&M University Extension economist. Klinefelter was scheduled to speak last year but a Denver-based storm prevented his flight to Williston.

Klinefelter is a specialist in ag finance and is the man behind 'The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers (TEPAP)". This is a two-year program that helps farmers learn to become better managers of their businesses. He has counseled hundreds of farm operators, including North Dakotans, through his teachings, articles and presentations. His presentations during the Wheat Show will include "Twelve Best Management Practices" and "Being Prepared to Borrow in a Risk Management Environment".

In addition to his academic career, Klinefelter spent 10 years in the commercial banking and the Farm Credit program. He is author or co-author of eight books and more than 400 articles on management and finance. In 2009, the 25th anniversary issue of the Top Producer magazine, the publication listed him as one of the 25 people in the world who will have the greatest influence on American agriculture.

Another keynote speaker will be James Hoorman, Ohio State University. He has been involved in numerous research projects focusing on water quality and soil health issues. During the Wheat Show, Hoorman will discuss "Soil Ecology and Nutrient Cycling", "Impact of Soil Compaction and Organic Matter on Soil Water Storage" and "Home Grown Nitrogen".

Commodity market issues will be discussed by Mike Krueger, The Money Farm founder and president, and Jim Peterson, North Dakota Wheat Commission marketing director.

Krueger provides a grain marketing advisory service to individual farmers, county elevators and others associated with agriculture food production. He is also a senior analyst for World Perspectives; a Washington based international agricultural consulting company. He has traveled extensively as a speaker at various farm and grain industry meetings and seminars. His deep involvement in the wheat markets has also included a directorship of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. The title of Krueger's presentation is "The New Market Volatility - What is the Cause and What Does It Mean for our Markets?".

As marketing director of the North Dakota Wheat Commission Peterson's responsibilities include foreign customer service and gathering and analyzing market information. He also studies U.S. domestic and export programs as well as trade agreements related to wheat. With this in mind, the planning committee has asked Peterson to discuss important challenges and opportunities in the export markets for durum and spring wheat.

Peterson recently returned from a 17-day trip to Asia where seminars were conducted to promote the quality advantages of this year's crop.

Other topics on the agenda are Real Time Kinematic (RTK) satellite navigation, tiling, crop variety performance updates and a weather outlook for the 2012 growing season. Representatives of the NDSU Institute of Barley and Malt Sciences and the U.S. Durum Growers Association will give reports.

Other activities of the Wheat Show are a bread fair during which approximately 350 area fifth grade students learn the art of making bread, a trade show and a photography contest conducted by the agricultural club of Williston State College.

The National Hard Spring Wheat Show is a joint effort of farm producers, agribusiness and NDSU Extension and Research staff to provide information to food producers of the community. Details of the event can be obtained from the Williams County/NDSU Extension Service at 701-577-4595 or


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