McKenzie County Healthcare Systems, Watford City, held a groundbreaking ceremony last Wednesday. Gathering in the ceremony were: (L to R) Marna Frick, Trish Sundeen and Laura Johnsrud, Wellness Center staff; Dan Kelly, McKenzie Co. Healthcare Systems administrator; Scott Swenson, board member; Julie Wisness, board member; Dr. Doug Nordby, board member; Dr. Gary Ramage, Kristin Bolken, McKenzie Co. Healthcare Systems Benefit Foundation director: Arden Berg, Good Shepherd Home maintenance; Gretchen Stenehjem, board member; Molly Wold (Connie’s daughter) and Cy Thompson, McKenzie County Hospital maintenance. Connie Wold was killed in a bicycle truck accident, a former director of the Wellness Center and Front Porch Floral owner.
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