Harvest Festival 2011
Every summer, Sidney Sugars crews work to repair, maintain and upgrade the six pile grounds, preparing these beet receiving stations for the upcoming beet harvest. Some years, a particular pile ground may require additional attention, and this past summer, both the Savage and the Culbertson stations had special needs that crews attended to over the summer months.
Because of this extra work, Savage this year has the capability to weigh semi trucks, an improvement that brings this pile ground into line with the other five stations. “We installed new 70-foot scales at Savage, as this was the only scale house without semi capabilities,” says Russ Fullmer, Sidney Sugars agriculture manager. “Growers have been requesting this for a long time. When old trucks wear out, many people are going to semis because they are more efficient. These growers can now haul beets to Savage and don’t have to make the run to Sidney to weigh and deliver beets.”
Crews pulled out the old scales, added a 34-foot extension to the pits and put in the new scales. Sidney Sugars also installed new electronic equipment in the scale house.
The Culbertson pile grounds also underwent some changes with new landscaping work done prior to harvest startup. “We had to do some reclamation work because of beets that spoiled in the piles last year,” Fullmer says. “We had to tear up some ground, put in a new base, and reshape it so moisture can drain.”
He adds, “We worked at Culbertson and Savage all summer. These were two big projects, but it is always like this every summer. We always have work to do at all six stations, and there is always something going on over the summer to make sure each station is ready for harvest.”
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