Rindahl Benefit Set For Oct. 8

Friends and neighbors of Gary and Travis Rindahl are putting on a benefit Oct. 8 at the Richland County Fair Event Center to help defray medical and travel costs for the family.

Gary was diagnosed with stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma on Jan. 5. He had been in the Sidney hospital for pneumonia when they discovered the mass in his lung. It is in the left bronchia tube attached to his aorta so surgery is out of the question. He has undergone a series of radiation and chemo treatments in Billings and was in and out of the hospital many times from February until May. Ultimately he had to discontinue the chemo treatments as he could not tolerate them anymore. He was able to return home in late May but is still battling respiratory problems and cancer.

Gary’s son, Travis, was in a terrible auto accident on the morning of July 5. He had many injuries, some more serious than others. He sustained a compression fracture to the T-11 vertebrae, broken ribs on both sides, both lungs had collapsed, broken/fractured pelvis in several places, a fractured ankle and some deep lacerations. He was flown to Billings and spent three weeks in the hospital there and endured several surgeries. He came home July 29 and was confined to a wheelchair while he healed. He recently was given the good news that he can start getting up and walking some. He has a long recovery ahead still and many medical expenses.

The benefit at the Richland County Fair Event Center begins at 5 p.m. with roast beef, pulled pork, potatoes and salads to be served as a free will offering. There will be a silent auction from 5-7 p.m. and a live auction starting at 7:30 p.m. After the auction there will be a dance with DJ Jeff Nelson.

If you would like to donate an item for auction you may call the following people and they will pick up items, Rhonda Pennington, 701-565-2259; Diane Sult, 406-488-7857, Crystal Hatter, 701-565-2254, and Nancy Severson, 701-481-3249. If you cannot donate an item please feel free to attend the supper and bid on the auction items or contribute to the free will offering. Matching funds have been applied for through Thrivent Financial.


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