Watford City FFA 2011-2012 Officers Announced

The Watford City FFA is looking forward to another exciting year. The officers for 2011–2012 are President Hayes Feilemeier; Vice President Saige Feilmeier; Secretary Jennifer Levang; Treasurer Taylor Dwyer; Reporter Allison Monsen; Sentinel McKayla Haugeberg; Student Advisor Clay Billing; Parliamentarian Nate Egeberg; and Historian Davis Zubke. The FFA Chapter will be very busy the next few months. They will be selling burgers at all home football concessions, including this Friday against Garrison-Max. They will compete with other chapters in the northwestern part of the state in District Leadership on Sept. 26. Members will be attending the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis Oct. 19-22. They will continue our tradition by selling fruit and meat products in November and December. If you are an adult that is looking to help with the local chapter, join the new Watford City FFA Alumni. Contact Scott Wisness or Justin Johnsrud if you are interested.

Allison Monsen,

FFA Reporter


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