Paper & Plastics’ Recycling Drives Continue Quarterly
The Recycling Advisory Board is proud to announce that the next Trashy Tuesday drive will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 3-7 p.m. at Richland County Public Works, 2140 W. Holly St. by the Richland County Fairgrounds.
The drive will be self-service for those who bring their recycling materials, sorting independently into labeled bins to assist in speeding up the process. New to the collection list are plastic grocery bags to be accepted for reuse.
Accepted items remain the same as previous drives including all types of plastic bottles and office paper, with the addition of plastic grocery bags. All plastics must have a threaded neck, be rinsed clean with caps removed. Common items include milk jugs, laundry detergent containers and shampoo bottles. Items without a threaded neck, such as yogurt containers and butter tubs will not be accepted.
Office paper includes white and pastel copy paper, sticky notes, glossy paper, junk mail and envelopes. Notebook paper is included if spiral binding is removed. Unacceptable items include cardstock, manila folders and bright, neon paper.
Trashy Tuesdays are scheduled the 3rd Tuesday of every 3rd month of the year from 3-7 p.m. and a full year of Recycling Drives are planned in Sidney. Start collecting today for the upcoming recycling drive or Trashy Tuesday on Oct. 18 and continue collecting! Jan. 17, April 17, July 19 and Oct. 16 are the additional Trashy Tuesday collection dates.
The Recycling Advisory Board is dedicated to supporting Richland Opportunity Inc.’s (ROI’s) recycling program and employment for individuals with developmental disabilities with a goal of creating a more comprehensive and sustainable recycling program in the county. If you are interested in joining the Recycling Advisory Board or would like more information on recycling drives please contact Cindy at 406-488-3341, ext. 4 or [email protected].
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