Guest Opinion

An Open Letter: In response to an article Old vs. New Earth by Jerome Kessler as written in the Roundup, Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2011.

Limited by space, this response seeks to offer some further insight into the matter brought forth by Jerome, whose opening statement declares, “Debate over the duration of the Genesis creation “day” has ‘divided’ the Christian Community”. Comment: “Come now, let us reason together, you and I”. God’s Word doesn’t produce uncertainty—men’s lack of understanding of it does. God authored the Holy Bible to be understood by the average person. Questioning God is an old tactic. Any living person who hears the word “day” instantly knows what it means. Jesus’ own words of John 11:9 add clarity, stating, “Are there not 12 hours in the day? He that walks in the day stumbles not because he sees the light of this world. But if a man walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him”. The meaning is obvious—a period of light (12 hours) and dark (12 hours)—combined, constitute a day (Genesis 1:5). The Holy Bible is an authoritative, historical and credible document. Its words offer hope and understanding—to people for millenniums. Digesting its words, in context, inevitably brings clarity.

“Man” is innately aware that there is something bigger than himself in life—a picture larger than what meets the eye. Man is a spirit being seeking understanding. Jesus said that a man stumbles at night because there is no light in him. Stumbles! Hmmm. I wonder if He means just what it seems He means? To investigate, test, prove something—is a wise path to take. To ask a question is to follow a path of discovery. By nature, a question reveals a search—a seeker seeking to find the joy of discovery. Asking a question is what the Scientific Method is all about! Questions are not to be laughed at, belittled or bullied into ridicule, so, question & sift.

Scientific arenas like genetics, biology, chemistry, mathematics (probability), Physics, etc. need discussion. Scientists are examining the facts of these fields—sifting to let the facts speak—under testing. We live in an age of unparalleled information discovery and exchange. Decades of testing “chance” as a producer of complexity has left the begging awareness—nothing gets produced by mindless, aimless, purposeless “chance”. The “intelligentsia of the academia world” –professors professing are being critiqued—and rightfully so—people follow and believe them. The current cutting edge scientific information afforded in the fields of genetics, biology, chemistry, mathematics (probability) etc. are leveling severe honest evaluations conceding that “chance” can’t and won’t produce anything, by itself—ever! I recommend a book entitled Signature in the Cell—a 600 page book written by a PHD—readable by anyone. Steven C. Meyers is a teacher who teaches people to think and reason. His is only one of numerous dissertations debunking “evolution” as a possible means of producing anything. The “facts” are speaking and there are those who will not hear the results because they don’t want to hear the results—“Don’t confuse me with the facts—my mind is made up”! Those who reject reality for their “pet ideologies” are like Adolf Hitler—the ultimate Evolutionist! Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle) reveals a mentality espousing a Superior Race—a belief with no foundation— that warranted anyone, Non Aryan, as being inferior and worthy of being “deleted” from the gene pool. “The essence of lying is in deception, not in words”. How else could Hitler sway an entire nation to follow him? Alarming indeed! Yet, what is happening inside America’s academia circles?

The Holy Bible—the Word of God— has enormous power, authority and credibility. Those who wrestle with its plain instructions, do so to their own hurt. Those who heed its teachings and do the teachings, find comfort, direction, peace, rest, hope and purpose—the exact opposite of what evolution offers—nothing! Evolution is an empty, unintelligent, purposeless, aimless, meaningless ideology that offers nothing but empty death. Scientists have conceded that our universe is extremely fine tuned—no evidence of waste from chance products as would be necessary from evolution. Folly is childish. Man’s greatest need is succinctly stated as the need to get reconnected with reality—God. Man is intuitively aware that God exists—the Creator / patent owner of all DNA, the giver and taker of life—he owns it all. God has made mankind aware that there are rights and wrongs, a curiosity to know what the purpose of life is, what is expected of them and that we are not “our own”.

Genesis is an overview of what happened—never being meant as an exhaustive explanation of how God did it –i.e.—the DNA and proteins dilemma, or the human body dilemma. Life couldn’t occur—unless all of life, with all of its side tangents, came into existence instantly, functioning fully intertwined—as we see life actually displayed! Every discovery science makes only bewilders us more and more—“The more we know—the less we know”. How could anything complex arise from the inefficiency of aimless, purposeless, unguided chance? ‘Chance’ is the evolutionist’s word for “faith”. There is nothing wrong with “science”, but clearly, interpretation of science / the facts, is debatable. Not all scientists are honest! Scientists are humans! Distortion like Ernst Haeckel’s Biogenetic law / Embryological Parallelism (late 1800’s) was fabricated & duly exposed as dishonest and unscrupulous—done with the full belief science would vindicate the premises Haeckel (an avowed evolutionist) made. But science exposed him.

We live in an age of con-artists pawning wares that aren’t what they seem. When we are “taken” in a scam, we get angry, and rightfully so. We then share with others—as I am—right now—with you!

The word Science comes from the Latin word Scientia which means facts; a body of knowledge that exists in our world and universe. These facts are fun exploring and discovering. Everything in life reaffirms complexity that comes only from a superior being – God, with a name—Jesus, revealed in history and who is known by His followers in a dynamic interpersonal way.

To think is a requirement in life. Con-artists seek easy paths to sell you their “tainted goods”. The clever over the naïve, smart over the dumb, the rich over the poor, the haves over the have-nots—derogatory, and even immoral outgrowths of thought traceable back to the “me, myself, and I” centeredness of which evolution—encourages, since there are no morals / God in its belief system—only materialism and atheism. Now, consider these facts: no transitional forms of any kind exist. Mankind merely discovers what already exist. Our own brain (advanced beyond any supercomputer), “evolving” to control all the activities of the human body? I smell a conartist! The eye, an evolutionary product? Who has more faith—and even blind faith—Atheists or Theists? Birth (as old as the hills): The human baby’s heart undergoes a major alteration when leaving the womb—a valve closes and fuses shut so as to breathe normally—the placentia being its lung while in the womb—how could chance produce something so necessary and vital—repeated trials? The human body—take away any organ or system and it dies immediately or within hours—if it wasn’t complete to begin with! What function would a body have without it being fully developed—no missing parts! It would be totally worthless—like a half built computer. The primordial sea—no evidence of it exists anywhere! The points of all these examples—examined “below the surface”—is to warn anyone of “buying”— even if done by a “scientist”. These demigods blab out scenarios of asteroids destroying life on earth—the source of fossils—to the naively trusting public. Could these be deceivers who don’t like what they know is true—to make you their disciples / followers. False teachers have always existed. Jesus, the author of life itself, says, “Come unto Me”, and “I, myself, I am the way you seek, the truth you seek and the life you seek”. There are people who just don’t want to be under His authority—choosing to be atheists rather than theists. They choose. Choose we must, but choose wisely is best. Correct is better than incorrect: Right better than wrong. Better to ask questions, and sift information rather than to be bullied into not thinking for ourselves—becoming a puppet or parrot of someone else. Why should we disbelieve what our eyes clearly tell us and then disbelieve what our eyes do not tell us? Be intelligent—stand your ground. Don’t allow yourself to be bullied into becoming stupid—regardless of the “grade you get”. Better to graduate from ROU (Right IOn University) rather than WSMU (What’S the Matter You) People ask, “Can we really know if there is a god out there”? Jesus answered that question with this statement—“He that has my commands and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he that loves me shall beloved of my Father and I will love him and make myself manifest (known) to him. (John 14:21) Recall that Jesus said of himself that he was the ”Son of God”. “Son of” means “of the order of”, so, Jesus was declaring that he was “of the order of God”. His many “I MYSELF, I AM” (Ego Eimi) statements further emphasizes who He is (I’ve studied Greek). Look at John 8:24—“…if you believe not that I myself, I am, (Ego Eimi) you will die in your sins”. Jesus answered the question of “day” in Genesis in John 11:9. I highly suggest that you the reader do some Greek, Hebrew and English word studies—they profit immensely. The New Testament of the Holy Bible was written in Greek and Greek contributes to many of our English words we use daily. Study really does pay off! (p.s. I’ve studied 5 years of German, 1 year of Latin, 1 year of Greek, 1 Sem. of French, and of course my own English language) Starting an answer search from the troubling questions of life, is commendable. Push on. Start with a reliable foundation. The Holy Bible is profoundly worth heeding. As Jesus said, “My words are spirit and they are life”. In Jeremiah 29:13, it states, “You shall seek me and find me when you seek me with a full heart”—not from a half hearted effort, but going deep, digging down inside and facing the troubling facts of life—we’re lost, seeking answers, seeking help, seeking hope, seeking relief of our fears. Man’s mere 6,000 years of history hints that as the Holy Bible states, the final days of men are on the horizon. Connection is better than disconnection. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free”. Look up the word truth—it means reality. Isn’t that what we want? We want what is real—not phony. Materialism doesn’t have the answers. When we stand before Jesus on Judgment Day—we will hear one of 2 statements from Him—either, “I never knew you”, or “I know you”. A walk with Jesus is what Christianity is—a relationship in a personal way. It comes about when we surrender to Jesus as our own Master (Greek Kurios—Lord, Owner), Savior (deliverer) and God. He is all 3 and any shorting Him of these titles is to erect a different Jesus—an imposter. “I know mine and mine know me”! Father, open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf.


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Reader Comments(1)

DrDirt writes:

Just tell me this: Is the earth 6000 years old or is it 4.5 billion years? Scientists seek the truth, just as the Bible does. I also think it is a bit harsh to say I am just like Hitler because I believe in Evolution. God also created Science, you know.

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