Farm Credit Services Provides FFA Student Handbooks & Support To FFA Organizations

This year acknowledges the 35th year that the three independent Farm Credit Services associations in North Dakota have donated FFA Handbooks to agricultural students in area schools.

This year, approximately 80 high school agriculture education programs in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota will receive over 3,000 of the student handbooks for the start of the 2011/2012 school year donated by the Farm Credit Services Associations in North Dakota.

Over the past three decades more than 60,000 of the books have been presented to FFA-first year ‘greenhands’ to be used throughout the four-year FFA program.

To ensure the continued success of our youth, in 2010 Farm Credit Services of North Dakota contributed close to $10,000 in order to support the FFA organizations in the 17 counties it serves in northwest North Dakota. Farm Credit Services is proud to support today’s youth who will become tomorrow’s agricultural producers and leaders.

Farm Credit Services is committed to helping the FFA provide excellence in the teaching and learning of agriculture and its activities in science, technology, production, processing, and related agribusiness activities as well as understand the vital and necessary role of the agricultural industry.

The three independent North Dakota Farm Credit associations are headquartered in Minot ( ), Fargo ( ), and Mandan (


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