12th Annual Sidney Chamber Of Commerce & Agriculture Ag Golf Tourney July 11

Everyone’s toyed with the idea of what it would be like to win a million dollars. During the 12th Annual Ag Golf Tournament taking place on June 11, at the Sidney Country Club, one area farmer might just get an opportunity to find out. The addition of the 3rd Annual Million Dollar Shot event into the golf tournament has participating farmers dreaming about the potential for paying off tractors and buying vacation homes. On a more realistic note, they’re just there to have a good time.

The Million Dollar Shot is sponsored by Seitz Insurance Agency, Sidney, and offers one lucky participant the chance to swing for a hole-in-one on the ninth hole.

“The entire event is sponsored by the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, agri-businesses, oil businesses and other local merchants as a way of giving thanks to area farmers who give so much back to their community. It’s supposed to be a day they can just come and have some fun on the golf course while visiting with other farmers and businesses,” said LaVanchie Starkey, Sidney Chamber administrative assistant.

Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. with golfers teeing off at 9 a.m.

A total of 144 farmers can participate with the amount of help devoted to the event and are divided into two 4-person teams at each hole.

“It’s a nice day away from the farm. You get to meet all of your business representatives in a social atmosphere which is really nice and just have a great time,” said Tim Cayko, a Fairview farmer. Like most other participants, Cayko has thought about what he would spend his million dollars on if he were to sink the million dollar shot. “I’d pay off some debt for sure and then after that, who knows?” he questioned.

Last year, the million dollar shot was attempted by David Williams from the ninth hole.

Participants will also be playing for a number of prizes to be given away by area business participants.

“This event is really a public relations gathering to show appreciation for our farmers and just play some golf. For most of the people who participate this is about the only time you see them on the golf course. They don’t swing a golf club the rest of the year,” said Larry Tveit, a retired farmer from the Sioux Pass area.

Brats will be served for lunch at Margarita Hill and down by the clubhouse.

Tickets for the Million Dollar Shot are available at the Sidney Chamber, The Roundup, Seitz Insurance and can be purchased on the day of the tournament at the Sidney Country Club. One ticket will be drawn at noon and the selected participant will take their shot at 4 p.m.


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