golden roundup

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  • Volunteering in the New Year

    Greta Mannen|Dec 18, 2013

    As the holiday season nears and we wrap up our year, we begin to look forward to the New Year and what is in store for us. Armed with our New Year’s resolutions, we make the promise to ourselves to begin with a clean slate, make the year better, and improve on ourselves. For many people this means committing to a healthier lifestyle in one way or another. Many people vow to eat healthier, head to the gym more or drink more water. This year, why not think about adding volunteering to the list of resolutions? Volunteering is a huge benefit to p...

  • Holiday Stress

    Ludmila Keller|Dec 18, 2013

    The holiday season is a wonderful time that brings families together, gets children excited and usually involves tons of delicious foods. It is also the time that is fueled by excessive spending, last-minute shopping, holiday commercialism, cleaning, baking, working ... To sum up, it can be a very stressful season. During the holidays, our normal struggles seem to intensify tenfold, making us yearn for January. This stress is experienced in a variety of forms such as increased heart rate,...

  • Medicaid Expansion Would Benefit Nearly 9,500 Veterans and Their Families

    Kristie Smith|Dec 18, 2013

    Over forty groups will take to the airwaves next week to highlight the importance of Medicaid expansion to Montana’s veterans. This education effort, targeted in the Billings area, is sponsored by the Partnership for Montana’s Future, a coalition of over forty non-profit and advocacy groups from across the state. Montana has the opportunity to accept federal dollars to expand the state’s Medicaid program, a move that would provide up to 70,000 Montanans with access to health care services. Included in that number are nearly 9,500 Montana vetera...

  • Expert Tricks and Delicious, Balanced Recipes Help Make Holiday Entertaining a Cinch

    Dec 18, 2013

    (BPT) - From hearty appetizers to decadent desserts, food is often the "star of the show" when it comes to holiday entertaining. Whether you're creating a favorite meal for loved ones, or planning to host a large gathering, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all of the planning and prep. Here to help is Carla Hall, celebrity chef and co-host of "The Chew," with a few entertaining tips and tricks that will alleviate even the busiest of hosts this holiday season. And, by using a few of Hall's...

  • Top Technologies Guide for Mature Drivers

    Dec 18, 2013

    (BPT) - The shiny paint. The new car smell. Many aspects about buying or leasing a new vehicle can excite your senses. Once you are inside your new vehicle, you are probably asking yourself a lot of questions. Where will I put my sunglasses? Is the trunk big enough for my groceries? What does this button do? Chances are your new vehicle will feature some new technologies, many of which can make driving safer, easier and more enjoyable. To be safe on the road, it's important to learn how these te...

  • Better-for-You Snacks to Satisfy All Your Holiday Guests

    Dec 18, 2013

    (BPT) - The holiday season is a time for everyone to indulge in delicious foods but doing so shouldn't be a guilt-ridden experience. There are several options available to satisfy your taste buds while still staying on track.- The following are some snack options that not only embrace the latest food trends but are sure to please your guests as well. * Incorporate gluten-free foods into the menu. Thirty percent of Americans are either contemplating or have adopted a gluten-free diet. With the...

  • Larsen Drug Welcomes New Pharmacists

    Debbie Larsen|Nov 20, 2013

    As we get older, many of us wonder what kind of influence we'll have on generations after us. In the case of John O. Larsen, and Larsen Service Drug, his decision to become a pharmacist and to move to Watford City and open Larsen Service Drug in 1952, would set a course for four future members of his family. His two sons, and two granddaughters would all choose to follow in his footsteps and become pharmacists. John would get to enjoy running the family business with his son, Larry, for many...

  • Expert Advice for Navigating Medicare Part D Enrollment

    Nov 20, 2013

    (BPT) - If you're confused about health care reform and Medicare, you're not alone. Medicare Part D open enrollment is underway and thousands of Americans are looking for answers. A new survey from Express Scripts titled, "Fifty States of Confusion," confirms that seniors are misinformed about how health care reform will impact their Medicare benefits. "It's worrisome; one-in-five seniors think they'll be able to enroll in a health or prescription drug plan through a public health insurance...

  • Adding Traditional Twists to the Thanksgiving Meal

    Nov 20, 2013

    (BPT) - Across America, families will be spending Thanksgiving together, and more than likely, enjoying the same menu items they've enjoyed in years past. Interestingly, more than half of Americans would embrace adding new foods or new preparations to the Thanksgiving table this year, and many think that side dishes provide the perfect opportunity to experiment, according to the findings of a new survey. The survey conducted by Pillsbury reveals that 89 percent of Americans say preparing...

  • Empowering Patients to Become Self-health Advocates Through Use of Technology

    Nov 20, 2013

    (BPT) - Advances in technology have shaped the way we communicate and have enabled the modern-day patient to easily connect with medical experts, patient advocates and others living with their disease. Through computers, handheld devices like tablets and smart phones, and social media, patients are also able to instantly access credible information - something that could not have been imagined until recently. Digital tools and online resources have become especially beneficial for people living with rare health conditions, such as sarcomas or...

  • Eldridges Making a Difference in Fairview

    Dianne Swanson|Nov 20, 2013

    Paul and Joan Eldridge of Fairview will never be "old". They have a great sense of humor, a willingness to work hard, a never ending curiosity and a generous spirit. Paul is the driving force behind the Lighting of the Bridge and Fireworks which took place last Saturday at the Fairview Bridge. A chance conversation a few years ago at a Chamber of Commerce meeting got the wheels turning and Paul started creating huge lighted ornaments to place on the bridge. So far, he has made a giant star,...

  • Why Older Adults Must Understand Their Flu Vaccine Options and Get Vaccinated

    Nov 20, 2013

    (BPT) - With the 2013-2014 flu season officially here, it's important to consider the single best way to prevent influenza (commonly known as "the flu") - the flu vaccine. What many older adults don't know is that the immune system weakens with age, meaning older adults are at a higher risk for flu and related complications. More than 200,000 people in the U.S. are hospitalized each year from flu-related illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adults aged 65 and...

  • Social Security

    Pat Williams|Nov 20, 2013

    Imagine if tomorrow morning’s headline was this: “Four hundred thousand to get one half billion dollar boost in income.” The underlying news story announces that hundreds of thousands of people here in three states of the Northern Rockies whose good earning jobs are behind them will share $500 million each year for the rest of their lives. One half billion dollars distributed among people in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, particularly the 15% who no longer bring home good salaries, would be one of the greatest bursts of targeted payroll in our h...

  • October is National Apple Month

    Ludmila Keller|Oct 16, 2013

    Fall is a great time to buy apples. This tree fruit is not only a good source of fiber, but also high in potassium and vitamin C. Additionally, apples are naturally fat- and sodium-free. One 2.5” apple only has 81 calories. All these are good reasons to add apples to our diet. So let’s start with picking the right apples. When you buy apples, choose firm, smooth-skinned ones with intact stems. They should smell fresh, not musty. If you can dent an apple with your finger, it is too soft. Mak...

  • Hunting Means Having Fun with Friends and Family

    Brenda Mehling|Oct 16, 2013

    There have been many great memories made from hunting in the past 40 years for local Sidney pheasant and deer hunter Steve Bright. In his younger days, it was about having fun with his buddies. However, now that he is a father and grandfather of 2 up and coming hunters, the hunting experience has become more about spending quality time with his family. Bright remembers loving to hunt so much in his younger days that he and his buddies would shoot jackrabbits so they could afford ammunition. He...

  • What does the "sell-by" or "best if used by" date on food mean to you?

    Tie Shank|Oct 16, 2013

    Don’t feel alone if the terms “sell-by” or “best if used by” confuse you. Emily M. Broad Leib, a lecturer in Food Law and Policy at Harvard Law School and the co-founder of Harvard’s Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC), states “The labeling system is aimed at helping consumers understand freshness, but it fails - they think it’s about safety. And (consumers) are wasting money and wasting food because of this misunderstanding.” A recent study done by Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic...

  • Simple Ways Older Drivers Can Save Money on Auto Insurance

    Sep 11, 2013

    (BPT) - Are your auto insurance premiums too high? Maybe they are, but not for reasons you might think. Insurance companies aren’t charging you higher premiums because you’re in an over-50 age group. You may be paying too much because you haven’t done anything to lower the cost of your premiums. Check out these money-saving tips - they could be right up your alley. * Comparison shop. You don’t need to stay with the same insurance company forever. Prices vary from company to company. Just be sure you discuss the identical coverage with each comp...

  • Watford City Stylist's Time to Cut and Run

    Michele Seadeek|Sep 11, 2013

    Fourty six years is a very long time to many of us. Especially when it comes to maintaining a job for that long of a period. The average national length a person holds the same job consecutively, if we are lucky, is around seven years. Then many of us tend to wander on for one reason or another usually in search of that one career that will fit want we want and that we truly enjoy. However, for Sandy Crimmins of Watford City it took her forty-six years of the career she loved before wanting to...

  • Cornerstone of Philanthropy

    Staci Miller|Sep 11, 2013

    Philanthropy is about giving of yourself, whether it is with money or your time. All you have to do is care about something an organization, a cause or a mission and give something of yourself to support that which has touched your heart. It is an understanding of the existence of things that somehow transcends personal interests that prompts the true spirit of charity. Out of this understanding, we make conscious decisions about much more than obligatory giving. It is somewhere in the midst of...

  • Social Security

    Pat Williams|Sep 11, 2013

    Imagine if tomorrow morning’s headline was this: “Four hundred thousand to get one half billion dollar boost in income.” The underlying news story announces that hundreds of thousands of people here in three states of the Northern Rockies whose good earning jobs are behind them will share $500 million each year for the rest of their lives. One half billion dollars distributed among people in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, particularly the 15% who no longer bring home good salaries, would be one of the greatest bursts of targeted payroll in our h...

  • Healthy Aging

    Sep 11, 2013

    (BPT) - Advances in technology have shaped the way we communicate and have enabled the modern-day patient to easily connect with medical experts, patient advocates and others living with their disease. Through computers, handheld devices like tablets and smart phones, and social media, patients are also able to instantly access credible information - something that could not have been imagined until recently. Digital tools and online resources have become especially beneficial for people living with rare health conditions, such as sarcomas or...

  • How Germy Is Your Coffee?

    Stephanie Ler|Sep 11, 2013

    If you enjoy a home brewed coffee each morning, whether from a traditional pot or the newer single serve style, you may be consuming more than just coffee. If it’s been a while since you’ve last cleaned your machine, you may be unknowingly harboring mold and bacteria inside. Mold and many strains of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, a well-known agent responsible for some food poisoning, thrive in warm, dark and wet places. This makes the water reservoir of your coffee pot a perfect location for mold and bacteria growth. Certain fea...

  • Answers to Some of the Most Commonly Asked Medicare Questions

    Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services|Sep 11, 2013

    My spouse needs to go to a nursing home. Will Medicare pay for it? Can Medicare help me select a nursing home that will provide high quality care? Medicare Part A pays for short-term stays in a nursing home, if it is needed after an inpatient hospital stay of at least three days. This usually means skilled nursing home services are required for rehabilitation after an injury, disability or illness. If this is the case and the person needing the skilled nursing home care as Medicare Part A and has a doctor’s order for skilled nursing services t...

  • Going Gluten-Free

    Ludmila Keller|Sep 11, 2013

    More and more people chose to avoid or reduce gluten in their diet. In fact, Google searches for “gluten” have been trending higher every month. So what is gluten and why are people so interested in it? Gluten is a protein found in wheat products. When gluten proteins are moistened, they become aflexible network. Basically, gluten is the reason why dough is elastic. It is estimated that 1 in 133 people suffer from celiac disease. Celiac is an auto-immune disorder that can only be treated by elim...

  • The Truth About Menopause:

    Sep 11, 2013

    (BPT) - Even in today’s information age, myths about menopause and women’s changing bodies abound and can take a huge toll on women. Half of women say their anxiety around menopause is caused by not knowing enough about this life stage and nearly half of menopausal women feel less confident once they start experiencing menopausal symptoms. For women going through this transitional stage of life, debunking myths and finding solutions to help them stand up to the symptoms of menopause can emp...

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