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  • USDA Offers Disaster Assistance To Montana Farmers & Livestock Producers Impacted By Wildfires & Drought

    Aug 25, 2021

    Bozeman - Montana agricultural operations have been significantly impacted by the wildfires and ongoing, severe drought. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has technical and financial assistance available to help farmers and livestock producers recover. Impacted producers should contact their local USDA Service Center to report losses and learn more about program options available to assist in their recovery from crop, land, infrastructure and livestock losses and damages. “Production agriculture is vital to the Montana economy, and U...

  • SBARE Seeks Input

    NDSU and Ag Research|Aug 25, 2021

    The North Dakota State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (SBARE) is seeking public input on needs in the state. SBARE provides the state Legislature and governor with recommendations on how the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and North Dakota State University Extension can address critical state needs and ensure that the state's investments on behalf of North Dakota citizens will yield great long-term dividends. The input will help shape SBARE's recommendations for the 20...

  • McKenzie County 4-H Youth Win Awards In Communication Arts At ND State Fair

    Marcia Hellandsaas|Aug 18, 2021

    4-H youth competed in junior or senior individual or team presentations in the 2021 4-H Communication Arts Contest at the North Dakota State Fair, Minot, Sunday, July 25. 4-H'ers competed on a county and district level to qualify for the State Fair event. The top presenters received Awards of Excellence. McKenzie County 4-H'er Kyle Best Received an Awards of Excellence in the Junior Video Production Category with his "Why Buy Local" presentation. Also receiving an Awards of Excellence from...

  • MT Dept. Of Agriculture Shares Best Practices For Hay Shipments To Prevent Noxious Weeds & Pests

    Chelsi Bay|Aug 11, 2021

    Helena - As Montana agricultural producers strive to find adequate feed for livestock during severe drought conditions and a damaging wildfire season, the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is issuing guidance for out-of-county or state shipments of hay to prevent the spread of noxious weeds and other invasive pests. “The need for hay far outweighs our supply right now in Montana,” said Acting Director Christy Clark. “We recognize the need to find hay for our producers, but there can be some very serious consequences if we don’t do our...

  • Butler Ag Equipment To Move To B&B Rentals Building

    Sarah Olsgaard, Butler Machinery Company|Aug 4, 2021

    A brand-new facility and the purchase of two others brings Butler to 20 locations, across four states, with desire to grow 841-member team. Fargo, ND - Aug. 2021 - Butler Machinery Company president is excited to announce the company's plans for aggressive growth through spring 2022 with the purchase of existing buildings in both Watertown, SD, and Sidney, MT - a brand new territory for Butler - and a new, state-of-the-art building in Kearney, NE. With these expansion plans come many job...

  • MSU Extension Advises Caution For Livestock Feeding Or Grazing Weeds During Drought

    MSU News Service|Aug 4, 2021

    Bozeman - Due to the extended drought in Montana, water availability in many areas has become severely limited. Reservoirs have dried up and are becoming covered in weeds. Montana State University Extension educators are cautioning livestock managers to evaluate weed feed and grazing land for nitrate toxicity during drought. "Due to the severe drought, weeds have become prevalent across pastures and many producers are limited in their cattle movement this year," said Custer County Extension Agen...

  • Montana Hay Hotline Available For Producers Affected By Drought

    Chelsi Bay, Montana Department of Agriculture|Aug 4, 2021

    Helena - As severe drought conditions and wildfires persist across the state, the Montana Department of Agriculture is reminding agricultural producers of the availability of the Hay Hotline, an online tool that connects those interested in buying, selling, or donating hay or pasture. The Hay Hotline allows producers to enter new listings with descriptions of the forage they have available to sell or donate. It also provides users with an option to search for available hay or pasture. The online tool is maintained by the Montana Department of...

  • Canning, Pickling, Preserving OH MY!

    Carrie Krug|Jul 21, 2021

    As the heat of summer continues and harvest is just around the corner; canning, pickling, and preserving season is here too. The number one priority when preserving your harvest is the safety of the finished product by destroying any bacteria, and molds that might cause foodborne illnesses. One of them being botulism, caused by a toxin in bacteria. The bacteria can grow, especially in improperly processed home-canned foods. Have no fear home-canning foods is still a great way to preserve your harvest. It is recommended to use recipes that have...

  • Field Days At Williston Research Extension Center Happening July 14 & 15

    Viloeta Hobbs|Jul 14, 2021

    The annual dryland agronomy and horticulture field day will be held Wednesday, July 14 at the North Dakota State University Williston Research Extension Center 4.5 miles west of Williston on U.S. Highway 2. The event begins with registration at 3 p.m. CST. The dryland crops tour starts at 3:45 p.m. A concurrent horticulture program starts at 3:45 p.m. in the Ernie French Center for those interested in flowers, gardening, lawn care and fruit/vegetable production followed by a garden tour. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be at 6 p.m. for our new...

  • 40th Swank Variety Plot Tour, July 19

    MSU Extension- Roosevelt County|Jul 14, 2021

    The 40th Swank Variety Plot Tour on Monday, July 19 will be held at the Swank farm north of Poplar. This event has two pesticide applicator points available. Beginning at 5 p.m. at Swank test plots, introductions by Dr. Chengci Chen, EARC Superintendent, will lead into presentations by four invited plant breeders and new varieties of durum, spring wheat, and pulse crops. From MSU-Bozeman, Dr. Mike Giroux and Dr. Jason Cook; and from USDA-ARS, Dr. Rebecca McGee; and a presentation about genes related to protein concentration in grains by Dr....

  • MSU EARC Field Day Slated For July 20

    Anna Dragseth|Jul 14, 2021

    The MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Irrigated Farm Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20. It is located one mile north of Sidney. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. with the tour following at 8:30 a.m. There will be many featured speakers and topics discussed at this event. Topics will include plant breeding and newly developed varieties for wheat, barley, durum, pea, lentil, and chickpea; herbicide resistant weed control in sugar beets and other crops; disease management in cereal, pulse, and sugar beet and grasshopper issues....

  • MSU EARC Field Day Speakers

    Jul 14, 2021

  • Cook To Speak On MSU Spring Wheat Breeding

    Anna Dragseth|Jul 14, 2021

    Over the years, Montana State University (MSU) breeders have developed several wheat varieties and continue to do so. Dr. Jason Cook, MSU-Bozeman trait integration breeder and geneticist, will be speaking about the MSU spring wheat breeding program starting at 9-9:15 a.m. at EARC Field Day, July 20. Cook will be providing an update on wheat varieties that are doing well in eastern Montana and sharing information on some of the new up and coming varieties that are coming out of the breeding...

  • Shergill To Discuss Herbicide Resistant Weeds At EARC Field Day

    Anna Dragseth|Jul 14, 2021

    Dr. Lovreet Shergill, Montana State University assistant professor and weed scientist, will be speaking about management of herbicide resistant weeds in sugarbeet cropping systems in Montana at 12:50 p.m. Shergill works to better understand crop-weed dynamics. He knows that weed control is a critical part of sugarbeet production. For both short term and long-term profitability, proper timing and responsible herbicide usage to avoid resistant weeds is critical. Being timely with herbicide applications gives the herbicide the greatest impact for...

  • Chengci To Discuss Industrial Hemp Outlook For Montana

    Anna Dragseth|Jul 14, 2021

    Dr. Chengci Chen, MSU-EARC superintendent, will be speaking about the potential of industrial hemp crop in Montana at the EARC Field Day, July 20 at 9:45 a.m. Since 2018, Montana farmers have been producing Industrial hemp - it has now become increasingly popular in Montana; farmers that are growing hemp are seeing both a demand and profit increase, while farmers who have never grown hemp before are rushing to plant it in their fields. Industrial hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa L. and is...

  • MSU EARC/Extension 41st Annual Field Day Schedule July 20

    Jul 14, 2021

    8-8:30 a.m.: Refreshments and Registration 8:30-8:40 a.m.: Welcome, Dr. Chengci Chen, MSU-EARC Superintendent Tour Begins 8:45-9 a.m.: Improving Spring and Winter Barley for MT. Dr. Jamie Sherman (MSU-Bozeman barley breeder) 9-9:15 a.m.: Spring Wheat Breeding. Dr. Jason Cook (MSU-Bozeman spring wheat breeder) 9:15-9:25 a.m.: Cereal Forage Issues in the Drought Year. Tim Fine (MSU-Richland County Extension agent) 9:25-9:35 a.m.: Screening Oilseed for High NUE. Shreya Gautam (MSU-EARC graduate student) and Dr. Charlie Lim (MSU-EARC postdoc)...

  • Coyne To Discuss Yellow Pea Research At MSU EARC Field Day

    Anna Dragseth|Jul 14, 2021

    Dr. Clarice Coyne will be speaking about increasing yellow pea seed protein yields by increasing seed protein concentration and total yield at the MSU EARC Field Day. She said, "We're conducting a multi-year field research study in Montana and Washington on the genetic control of pea seed protein concentrations targeting the plant-based protein market." Coyne is a USDA Plant Germplasm Introduction and Testing Research Unit curator/geneticist in Pullman, WA. She specializes in curation and...

  • Ag Appreciation Golf Tournament, Sidney, July 12

    Jul 7, 2021

    The Sidney Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture will once again be holding its annual Agriculture Appreciation Golf tournament on Monday, July 12 from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. at Sidney Country Club. Admission is free for farmers and ranchers, and there will be plenty of food, drinks and prizes planned to make this a fun filled day....

  • Farm Service Agency Now Accepting Nominations For County Committee Members

    USDA Farm Service Agency|Jun 30, 2021

    Bozeman - June 22 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) began accepting nominations for county committee members on June 15. Elections will occur in certain Local Administrative Areas (LAA) for these members who make important decisions about how federal farm programs are administered locally. All nomination forms for the 2021 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 2, 2021. “We need enthusiastic, diverse leaders to serve other agricultural producers locally on FSA County C...

  • WREC Seed Cleaning Facility Nears Completion

    Anna Dragseth|Jun 23, 2021

    The new state-of-the-art NDSU Williston Research Extension Center (WREC) seed cleaning facility is nearing completion. A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the building will be held after field day tours on Wednesday, July 14. The new facility will clean seed approximately 200 bushels an hour, which is six times faster than the Center's current seed cleaning facility. The seed will also be all on one level so WREC staff will be able to perform several projects at once. "We will be able to more than...

  • MFU Traveling Workshop Stopped In Sidney

    Nicole Lucina|Jun 16, 2021

    The Montana Farmers Union (MFU) held a meeting on Thursday, June 10, at The Rod Iron Grill to discuss topics such as The American Rescue Plan, a new Meat Cooperative, food resiliency and much more. Opening the meeting was MFU President Walter Schweltzer. After a brief rundown of recent events held by MFU and a bit of their history, Schwelter discussed food resiliency in Montana. According to Schweltzer, 50 years ago Montana raised and processed 70% of our own food. Today we only raise and...

  • "Rockin' Your Heart Weekend" Pasture To Plate Ranch Tour Held June 5

    Nicole Lucina|Jun 9, 2021

    This past weekend was all about beef, cattle, ranchers, education and fun. The "Rockin' Your Heart Weekend" took place June 4-5 and was sponsored by the MonDak Stockgrowers Association. A team roping event kick started the festivities on Friday at Richland County Fair and Rodeo. Participants were able to demonstrate their roping skills. With a chance to watch roping skills, live music, food and concession stands and the beer gardens, attendees from young to old had something they could enjoy. Al...

  • 4-H Consumer Decision Making Contest Held

    Marcia Hellandsaas|Jun 9, 2021

    The 2021 McKenzie County 4-H Consumer Decision Making Contest was held on June 1 at NDSU Extension Office/McKenzie County, Watford City. Jaden Murphy, Williston, received a Grand Champion ribbon in Junior Division (10-13 year olds) and Gracyn Darrington, Arnegard followed with the Reserve. Nicolas Ellis, Arnegard, and Kyle Best, Watford City, were recipients of blue ribbons. Beginner Division (8 9 year olds) participants Gavyn Darrington, Arnegard and Tylee Thorne, Watford City, were awarded...

  • Chickens In Sidney: Community Members To Propose Raising Chickens In City Limits

    Jun 2, 2021

    On Monday, June 7, the City of Sidney Council members will have the opportunity to give Sidney residents back some of their freedoms. In the first city council meeting of the summer, Jaymi Mozeak will be going before the council to request the current ordinances concerning livestock be eased to allow city residents to own and keep chickens on their property. She will also be presenting them with a petition signed by Sidney residents wanting chickens in town. Jaymi grew up on a small hobby farm i...

  • McKenzie County 4-H'ers Participate In District Contest

    Marcia Hellandsaas|Jun 2, 2021

    Three McKenzie County 4-H’ers participated in the 2021 Mouticounty Program Unit 1 4-H Communication Arts Event held on Tuesday, May 26 at Williston Research Extension Center. The goal of this event is to help 4-H’ers become proficient at making public presentations. Participants are developing communication skills and learning to gather and organize information, equipment and props. Kyle Best presented “Why Buy Local” video presentation in Junior Division and received a first place medal....

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