Sorted by date Results 176 - 200 of 1243
Many gardeners use transplants to give long-season plants time to reach maturity. If you are purchasing transplants, here are a few tips on characteristics you want to select. Transplants of vegetables should be stocky plants between 6”-8” tall. They should have a good root system and be healthy, without any bottom leaves that are yellow. Transplants should not be too mature, and they should not yet have any flowers or fruits. If they have flowers or fruit, the plant will limit vegetative and structural growth to continue supporting flo...
Although some are finishing up calving and others are still yet to begin, it is always necessary to remember the importance of colostrum. This is the first milk produced by a cow after she has given birth. Colostrum contains immunoglobulins, IgG in particular, as well as white blood cells, milk fat, and vitamins A and E. All of these components are important to the newborn calf. A calf is born without immunoglobulins, because the placenta prevents immunoglobulins from being transferred from the cow to the calf in utero. Immunoglobulins are...
Over 160 4-H members and volunteers participated in the Culbertson Rec Lab Rendezvous sponsored by the MSU Extension agency. There are 8 different 4-H districts in Montana, so every 8 years our district, which is district 4, gets to host the event. "We held it in Culbertson, and called it the rendezvous to draw on local history from Fort Union." said MSU extension 4-H agent Josie Evenson. "The recreation lab is a hands-on and 4-H member favorite. It provides an opportunity for youth and adults...
Sugar beet growers across the region are finding themselves having to make some tough decisions. Approximately 32,000 acres throughout McKenzie, Williams, Roosevelt and Richland counties have been previously dedicated to sugar beet production, and the recent announcement of Sidney Sugars' closing will impact all of them. The next closest sugar beet factories are located in Billings or Hillsboro, ND, however federal sugar allotment is tied to the factories themselves, making switching crops growe...
For the last 10 years, Montana Farmers Union has hosted their Montana Farmers Union Women's Conference on the western half of the state, however, they are excited to be hosting a second event, the Eastern Montana Farmers Union Women's Conference in Sidney March 31- April 1. "This conference is for and about celebrating women in agriculture, rural communities, leadership and entrepreneurship. It provides an opportunity for them to share and build their skills and connect folks around the state,"...
Agriculture is the biggest food contributor in America. America is the net exporter of food, which means that this industry is a source of food and wealth. The rich history of agriculture in the U.S. attracted colonists to the area. Since most colonists were European, the styles of agricultural cultivation and production were Europe influenced as well. Colonists also brought a large amount of livestock with them to America, which caused changes in its natural landscape. As the population grew, farms expanded, and settlements moved from the...
Sunflower producers, crop advisers and others interested in sunflower production management updates are encouraged to participate in the 2023 Getting-it-Right in Sunflower Production Conference on Tuesday, March 21 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. This online-only conference will be hosted on Zoom. The program will be conducted by North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension and is supported by the National Sunflower Association. The conference is free to attend, but pre-registration is required at...
For the last 10 years, Montana Farmers Union has hosted their Montana Farmers Union Women's Conference on the western half of the state, however, they are excited to be hosting a second event, the Eastern Montana Farmers Union Women's Conference in Sidney March 31- April 1. "This conference is for and about celebrating women in agriculture, rural communities, leadership and entrepreneurship. It provides an opportunity for them to share and build their skills and connect folks around the state,"...
The MonDak Ag Days was held Thursday and Friday, March 2 and 3, at the Richland County Event Center. Here is a recap of the events held. Weiland Presented "Drainage Tiles Dos and Don'ts MonDak Ag Days kicked off Thursday morning, March 2 with the trade show opening at 8 a.m. At 10 a.m. Jerry Weiland presented "Drainage Tiles Dos and Don'ts." Weiland is the Midwest and West region salesman for Franco. Prior to that he spent numerous years serving the people of South Dakota and Nebraska with Hefty...
Retained placenta in a cow is typically defined as failure to expel the fetal membranes within 24 hours after following parturition or birth of the calf. Under normal circumstances, expulsion of the placenta occurs within eight hours after the calf has been born. The point as which nourishment from the cow is passed to the fetus through the placenta is called a placentome. This placentome is made of the joining of the cotyledon (fetal side) and the caruncle (cow side). When the placenta is retained, the cotyledons do not detach from the...
Helena, Mont. – The Montana Pulse Crop Committee will meet in-person on Monday, March 20th, 2023, beginning at 9:00am to review budget, 2023 projections and address general updates. Meetings will take place in-person at the at the Department of Agriculture in Room 225. The option to join virtually via Zoom is available. To request more information, please email Dani Jones at [email protected]. To view an agenda for the meeting, please click here. The Montana Pulse Crop Committee’s mission is to invest in and deliver support for mar...
Celebrate the bounty of America's farms and ranches during Agriculture Week March 19-25, 2023. Ag Day is slated for March 21 with the theme, "Agriculture: Growing a Climate for Tomorrow." Agriculture continues to be the number-one industry in Montana. According to Montana Agriculture Statistics Service, the Treasure State has 21,700 farms and ranches with 66 percent of the land used for rangeland or pasture and more than 28 percent in cropland. Winter wheat tops the list of crops grown in...
Bozeman - Volatile agricultural markets, inflation, recession and a look at local and statewide economic issues are the focus of the 2023 Economic Briefing series, coming to eastern Montana in mid-March. Faculty from the Montana State University Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics will collaborate with economists from the University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research to bring an economic briefing with emphasis on agricultural policy issues and forecasts to Sidney in the morning and Miles City in the afternoon on...
FARGO, N.D., March.9, 2023 – Agricultural producers who have not yet enrolled in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for the 2023 crop year have until March 15, 2023, to elect and enroll a contract. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers these two safety net programs to provide vital income support to farmers experiencing substantial declines in crop prices or revenues. “The Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage programs provide critical financial protections to many American farmer...
The popular Montana Farmers Union Women’s Conference is expanding this spring to include a second event in eastern Montana. Registration is now open for the inaugural MFU Eastern Montana Women’s Conference to be held March 31-April 1 in Sidney. “The Women’s Conference is a low-cost event, and you will make new friends and learn new things not only about the area and the agriculture in your area but yourself at the same time,” said Sarah Degn, a longtime Women’s Conference attendee and MFU board member who farms near Sidney. Holding the Women’s...
The MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show is coming up on March 2 and 3 at the Richland County Event Center. Ag Days is a Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture event. There will be a tradeshow on Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Richland County Event Center. Lunch will be offered both days and breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., Friday. The banquet will be at the Elks, on Thursday, March 2 with a pre-social starting at 5 p.m. and prime rib will be served at 6 p.m. In past years it has been at the Richland...
BOZEMAN, Montana – County and state Farm Bureau leaders across the nation are sharing resources that will help farmers and ranchers keep safety top-of-mind through the Agricultural Safety Awareness Program. As part of this year's ASAP commemoration, March 6-10 has been designated as Agricultural Safety Awareness Week. U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers will join Farm Bureau in promoting the week with its theme "Lead the Way in Agriculture." A different safety focus will be h...
The MonDak Ag Days Schedule in the March Ag Roundup 2023 on pages 34 and 35 was incorrect. For Thursday, March 2, under the 2 p.m. "Update To Medically Important Antibiotics," there are not 3 Pesticide Points available. Just 1 pesticide point is available Friday, March 3 at 12 PM when Charlie Lim talks on Pre-Emergent Herbicides & Modes of Action. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused....
Helena, Mont. - The Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) has announced 10 meetings across Montana to introduce Montana’s cattle producers to the biosecurity principles of Secure Beef Supply (SBS) Plans. SBS plans are a vital tool to help producers re-enter commerce following a severe disease outbreak such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). SBS Plans outline specific measures that ranches can employ to minimize the risk of either contracting or spreading infectious disease. In the past decade, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Porcine E...
Washington - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed a simplified direct loan application to provide improved customer experience for producers applying for loans from the Farm Service Agency (FSA). The simplified direct loan application enables producers to complete a more streamlined application, reduced from 29 to 13 pages. Producers will also have the option to complete an electronic fillable form or prepare a traditional, paper application for submission to their local FSA farm loan office. The paper and electronic...
The MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show is coming up on March 2 and 3 at the Richland County Event Center. Ag Days is a Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture event. There will be a tradeshow on Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Richland County Event Center. Lunch will be offered both days and breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., Friday. The banquet will be at the Elks, on Thursday, March 2 with a pre-social starting at 5 p.m. and prime rib will be served at 6...
On Tuesday, Jan. 31, Senator Tester introduced his bipartisan legislation aimed at preventing foreign countries from buying up American farmland. The Promoting Agriculture Safeguards and Security or PASS act, introduced by Tester and with Republican Senator Mike Rounds, from South Dakota, would also ensure farmers have a seat at the table when the government makes decisions impacting our national security. Tester is a third generation Montana farmer, so this is an issue that is particularly important to the senator. “This bill is to prevent c...
(Deshler, NE.) - Reinke Manufacturing, a global leader in irrigation systems and precision irrigation technology, has recognized Mon-Kota in Fairview with a Reinke Diamond Pride award for their performance in the last year. “Reinke is honored to work with Mon-Kota to help them serve the growers in their areas,” said Chris Roth, Reinke president. “We’re proud to award their efforts and we appreciate their dedication as we continue to develop and implement precision irrigation equipment and technology to help growers increase yields and profita...
Feb. 1, 2023 it will be determined if Sidney Sugars can contract enough acreage to keep the factory open, which would not only affect sugar beet growers and their employees, but the year-round and seasonal employees at Sidney Sugars. On Dec. 21, 2022 a letter went out to sugar beet growers from Chief Operating Officer, Steve Rosenau, explaining that Sidney Sugars is requiring approximately 25,000 acres to be contracted for 2023 in order for the factory to continue operations. It is also...
The MonDak Ag Research Summit was held Thursday, Jan. 19, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Richland County Event Center. Researchers from the Eastern Ag Research Center and USDA-ARS in Sidney, as well as the Williston Research Extension Center again came together in a joint event to discuss topics of current interest to growers in the MonDak region. Several researchers from the three research centers each had a poster on display featuring additional research topics. Along with the tables put up by the...