
Sorted by date  Results 166 - 190 of 1219

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  • Montana Farmers Union Expands Women's Conference To Eastern MT

    Mar 1, 2023

    The popular Montana Farmers Union Women’s Conference is expanding this spring to include a second event in eastern Montana. Registration is now open for the inaugural MFU Eastern Montana Women’s Conference to be held March 31-April 1 in Sidney. “The Women’s Conference is a low-cost event, and you will make new friends and learn new things not only about the area and the agriculture in your area but yourself at the same time,” said Sarah Degn, a longtime Women’s Conference attendee and MFU board member who farms near Sidney. Holding the Women’s...

  • MonDak Ag Days & Trade Show March 2-3

    Robyn Heck|Mar 1, 2023

    The MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show is coming up on March 2 and 3 at the Richland County Event Center. Ag Days is a Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture event. There will be a tradeshow on Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Richland County Event Center. Lunch will be offered both days and breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., Friday. The banquet will be at the Elks, on Thursday, March 2 with a pre-social starting at 5 p.m. and prime rib will be served at 6 p.m. In past years it has been at the Richland...

  • 'Lead the Way in Agriculture' is the Theme of Ag Safety Awareness Week

    Mar 1, 2023

    BOZEMAN, Montana – County and state Farm Bureau leaders across the nation are sharing resources that will help farmers and ranchers keep safety top-of-mind through the Agricultural Safety Awareness Program. As part of this year's ASAP commemoration, March 6-10 has been designated as Agricultural Safety Awareness Week. U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers will join Farm Bureau in promoting the week with its theme "Lead the Way in Agriculture." A different safety focus will be h...

  • Correction

    Mar 1, 2023

    The MonDak Ag Days Schedule in the March Ag Roundup 2023 on pages 34 and 35 was incorrect. For Thursday, March 2, under the 2 p.m. "Update To Medically Important Antibiotics," there are not 3 Pesticide Points available. Just 1 pesticide point is available Friday, March 3 at 12 PM when Charlie Lim talks on Pre-Emergent Herbicides & Modes of Action. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused....

  • Montana Department of Livestock Announces Secure Beef Supply Plan Training Schedule

    Logan Kruse|Mar 1, 2023

    Helena, Mont. - The Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) has announced 10 meetings across Montana to introduce Montana’s cattle producers to the biosecurity principles of Secure Beef Supply (SBS) Plans. SBS plans are a vital tool to help producers re-enter commerce following a severe disease outbreak such as Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). SBS Plans outline specific measures that ranches can employ to minimize the risk of either contracting or spreading infectious disease. In the past decade, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Porcine E...

  • USDA Develops Simplified Direct Loan Application To Improve Customer Service

    Feb 15, 2023

    Washington - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed a simplified direct loan application to provide improved customer experience for producers applying for loans from the Farm Service Agency (FSA). The simplified direct loan application enables producers to complete a more streamlined application, reduced from 29 to 13 pages. Producers will also have the option to complete an electronic fillable form or prepare a traditional, paper application for submission to their local FSA farm loan office. The paper and electronic...

  • MonDak Ag Days & Trade Show March 2-3

    Robyn Heck|Feb 8, 2023

    The MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show is coming up on March 2 and 3 at the Richland County Event Center. Ag Days is a Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture event. There will be a tradeshow on Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., and Friday from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Richland County Event Center. Lunch will be offered both days and breakfast will be served at 7 a.m., Friday. The banquet will be at the Elks, on Thursday, March 2 with a pre-social starting at 5 p.m. and prime rib will be served at 6...

  • Tester Introduced Bipartisian Legislation Against Foreign Farmland Ownership

    Robyn Heck|Feb 8, 2023

    On Tuesday, Jan. 31, Senator Tester introduced his bipartisan legislation aimed at preventing foreign countries from buying up American farmland. The Promoting Agriculture Safeguards and Security or PASS act, introduced by Tester and with Republican Senator Mike Rounds, from South Dakota, would also ensure farmers have a seat at the table when the government makes decisions impacting our national security. Tester is a third generation Montana farmer, so this is an issue that is particularly important to the senator. “This bill is to prevent c...

  • Reinke Recognizes Mon-Kota With Dealer Award

    Feb 1, 2023

    (Deshler, NE.) - Reinke Manufacturing, a global leader in irrigation systems and precision irrigation technology, has recognized Mon-Kota in Fairview with a Reinke Diamond Pride award for their performance in the last year. “Reinke is honored to work with Mon-Kota to help them serve the growers in their areas,” said Chris Roth, Reinke president. “We’re proud to award their efforts and we appreciate their dedication as we continue to develop and implement precision irrigation equipment and technology to help growers increase yields and profita...

  • Acreage Will Determine The Future For Sidney Sugars & Growers

    Meagan Dotson|Jan 25, 2023

    Feb. 1, 2023 it will be determined if Sidney Sugars can contract enough acreage to keep the factory open, which would not only affect sugar beet growers and their employees, but the year-round and seasonal employees at Sidney Sugars. On Dec. 21, 2022 a letter went out to sugar beet growers from Chief Operating Officer, Steve Rosenau, explaining that Sidney Sugars is requiring approximately 25,000 acres to be contracted for 2023 in order for the factory to continue operations. It is also...

  • The MonDak Ag Research Summit, A Collaboration Between Three Research Stations

    Jaymi Mozeak|Jan 25, 2023

    The MonDak Ag Research Summit was held Thursday, Jan. 19, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Richland County Event Center. Researchers from the Eastern Ag Research Center and USDA-ARS in Sidney, as well as the Williston Research Extension Center again came together in a joint event to discuss topics of current interest to growers in the MonDak region. Several researchers from the three research centers each had a poster on display featuring additional research topics. Along with the tables put up by the...

  • Free Agriculture Research Summit Scheduled For Jan. 19 In Sidney

    MSU News Service|Jan 18, 2023

    Bozeman - Montana State University’s Eastern Agricultural Research Center and its partners will hold the 2023 MonDak Agriculture Research Summit on Thursday, Jan. 19, in Sidney. At the event, which aims to encourage interaction between farmers and ranchers, scientists from three partner facilities will report on agricultural research underway in eastern Montana and western North Dakota. The summit is coordinated by North Dakota State University’s Williston Research Extension Center, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Northern Plains Agric...

  • The 2022 Census Of Agriculture Is Underway

    Jan 18, 2023

    America’s farmers and ranchers now have the opportunity to be represented in the nation’s only comprehensive and impartial agriculture data for every state, county and territory. USDA has mailed the 2022 Census of Agriculture to all known agriculture producers across the nation and Puerto Rico. Producers have the option to respond securely and conveniently online at or by mail. The deadline for response is Feb. 6, 2023. Collected in service to American agriculture since 1840 and now conducted every five years by USDA’s Natio...

  • MSU Richland County Extension Winter Series Continues Jan. 26

    Marley Manoukian|Jan 18, 2023

    The MSU Richland County Extension office will be hosting the January Winter Series on Thursday, Jan. 26 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the Richland County Extension office meeting room at 1499 N Central Ave., Sidney. Tim Seipel, MSU Extension cropland weed specialist, will be discussing Palmer Amaranth & Waterhemp: Herbicide Resistance Awareness & Prevention. Palmer Amaranth is moving west through North Dakota towards eastern Montana. This presentation will review pigweeds, their biology, and how to identify Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp....

  • Foreign Persons Must Report U.S. Agricultural Land Holdings

    Tammy Lyseng|Jan 18, 2023

    (Sidney, MT) - Jan. 12 - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Executive Director Tammy Lyseng in Richland County reminds foreign persons with an interest in agricultural lands in the United States that they are required to report their holdings and any transactions to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. “Any foreign person who acquires, transfers or holds any interest, other than a security interest, including leaseholds of 10 years or more, in agricultural land in the United States is required by law to report the t...

  • USDA Reminds Producers Of Continuous Certification Option For Perennial Forage

    Jan 18, 2023

    Washington – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reminds agricultural producers with perennial forage crops of an option to report their acreage once, without having to report that acreage in subsequent years, as long as there are no applicable changes on the farm. Interested producers can select the continuous certification option after USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) certifies their acreage report.   “FSA’s continuous certification option simplifies future acreage reporting of perennial crops, and it can also help streamline...

  • 70th Annual Nat'l Hard Spring Wheat Show Scheduled Feb. 1

    Jan 11, 2023

    The 70th Annual National Hard Spring Wheat Show is scheduled in Williston at the Grand Williston Hotel & Conference Center, 3601 2nd Ave. W. on Feb. 1. The schedule begins with an Ag Appreciation Breakfast at 7 a.m. sponsored by American State Bank & Trust Beau Anderson, Williams County Commissioner; Dusty Berwick, Williams Co. Commodity Elections president and Kelly Leo, Williams Co. ag & national resources agent will welcome attendees at 8 a.m. Daryl Ritchison will present the Weather Outlook...

  • MSU Richland County Extension Winter Series Continues Jan. 26

    Marley Manoukian|Jan 11, 2023

    The MSU Richland County Extension office will be hosting the January Winter Series on Thursday, Jan. 26 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the Richland County Extension office meeting room at 1499 N Central Ave., Sidney. Tim Seipel, MSU Extension cropland weed specialist will be discussing Palmer Amaranth & Waterhemp: Herbicide Resistance Awareness & Prevention. Palmer Amaranth is moving west through North Dakota towards eastern Montana. This presentation will review pigweeds, their biology, and how to identify Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp....

  • MonDak Ag Research Summit Returns Jan. 19

    Beth Redlin|Jan 4, 2023

    Are you worried about grasshoppers or wheat stem sawfly this coming year? Are you interested in intercropping and disease management in dryland pulses and irrigated sugarbeet? How about adding new soybean varieties and cereals to your irrigated rotations? What about weed management in row crops and rangeland, and soil health measures? All those topics and more will be featured in the 2023 MonDak Ag Research Summit returning this Jan. 19. The summit is coordinated by North Dakota State University’s Williston Research Extension Center (WREC), Mon...

  • Pasture To Plate Beef In Your Own Back Yard

    Robyn Heck|Jan 4, 2023

    Mark Voll and Teresa Tescher Voll own Dakota Badlands Beef, located south east of Sidney in North Dakota. This family owned and operated ranch is located 20 miles southeast of Sidney. Mark and Teresa were asked how long they’ve been selling beef. “Selling our own beef has been a part of our operation for many years. A highlight of raising cattle is having repeat customers come back and tell you how much they enjoy consuming our beef”. Mark has been part of several cattle industry associations and is currently the ND Beef Commission chair...

  • Sy Carda Places Second In Steer Of Merit Competition

    Meagan Dotson|Jan 4, 2023

    Ten-year-old Lambert student Sy Carda of the 3-Buttes 4-H Club recently took second place in the Steer of Merit Competition held in Billings, MT at the Northern Hotel. “4-H is fun and teaches me hard work and dedication, and the hard work pays off,” Sy commented. This is the fifth grader’s third year in the 3-Buttes 4-H Club. He is additionally involved in shooting sports, woodworking, welding, and quilting and was awarded Best of Fair for his quilt in 2022. “Steer of Merit is solely based o...

  • Popular Herbicides No Longer Control Kochia In Some Areas

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Dec 28, 2022

    A North Dakota State University study showed that some kochia populations in western North Dakota likely have developed resistance to commonly used preplant burndown herbicides. For many years, no-till farmers have used Aim (carfentrazone) and Sharpen (saflufenacil) either just prior to planting or after planting to control emerged kochia and other annual weeds. "Kochia has been difficult to control during the prolonged drought of the past several years," says Brian Jenks, weed scientist at the...

  • MSU Extension & MSGA Announce 2022 Steer Of Merit Certifications

    MSU News Service|Dec 21, 2022

    Bozeman - A program offered by Montana State University Extension and Montana Stockgrowers Association that provides an opportunity for students throughout the state to raise cattle and learn about various elements of beef quality recently announced its annual winners. The 2022 Steer of Merit program winners were recognized Dec. 8 at the Montana Stockgrowers Association annual convention and trade show in Billings. MSU Extension and MSGA distinguished 154 “Steers of Merit” out of 1,288 entries. Of 555 steers entering the carcass division, 78...

  • Montana Department Of Agriculture, Montana State University, Montana Agricultural Business Association, & Montana Agricultural Business Foundation Announce Inaugural Montana AgTech Innovation & Investment Summit

    Logan Kruse|Dec 21, 2022

    Helena, MT - The Montana Department of Agriculture, Montana State University, Montana Agricultural Business Association, and Montana Agricultural Business Foundation announce the inaugural Montana AgTech Innovation & Investment Summit set for Jan. 24, 2023, in Great Falls, MT. The summit will bring together innovators, entrepreneurs, agriculture producers, agricultural industry product development professionals, and capital investors with the primary goal of moving agricultural technologies from concept stage to development stage, then into...

  • What Is The Census Of Agriculture & The Agricultural Resource Management Survey?

    Marley Manoukian|Dec 14, 2022

    Agricultural producers should be expecting a Census of Agriculture in the mail in the near future. You may be wondering, “what is the Census of Agriculture?”, “why is it important?”, or “I did not receive a census, but I received an Agricultural Resource Management Survey, what is that?” The Census of Agriculture is a complete count of the farms and ranches in America and the people who operate them. This census is taken every five years and it is the only source of uniform data for every county in the nation. Within this census, a “farm” is d...

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