ag roundup

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  • Cattle Market Outlook, Economic Ranch Tools and Risk Management

    Feb 28, 2018

    Bridger Feuz, Livestock Marketing Specialist at the University of Wyoming Extension, will be speaking at the MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show on Thursday, March 1st at 10:00 a.m. MST. He will be speaking on the topic, "Cattle Market Outlook" and at 11:30 a.m. MST he will also be talking about economic ranch tools and risk management. "Ranchers face many challenges each day that require their attention. These challenges include things like dealing with and preventing disease, getting cows fed or...

  • Hazardous Substance Reporting May Affect Producers

    Feb 28, 2018

    Livestock producers are concerned about how federal reporting requirements for hazardous substances could affect them. Two environmental laws - the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), often referred to as Superfund, and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) - require facilities to report releases of hazardous substances that meet or exceed a reportable quantity within a 24-hour period. For U.S. livestock operations, the reporta...

  • Five Common Mistakes in Grain Marketing

    Anna Dragseth|Feb 28, 2018

    Edward Usset will be speaking at the MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show on Friday, March 2nd at 10 a.m. MST. He will be speaking on the topic, "Five Common Mistakes in Grain Marketing." Usset is the author of the book, Grain Marketing Is Simple: It's Just Not Easy. He is also the Grain Marketing Specialist at the Center for Farm Financial Management and Coordinator of the Minnesota Master Marketer Program. Usset grew up in Minnesota, in the midst of a number of farms. "My family did not farm, but I...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Feb 28, 2018

    The family farm or ranch often is more than a business; oftentimes it also is a family legacy that has been cultivated, nurtured and maintained for generations. This makes each farm/ranch operation unique and, in turn, makes designing a farm succession plan just as unique and challenging for each family. No two plans will look alike. The goal is to find a personalized plan that will reflect your family’s goals and objectives. Creating a plan will bring value not only to your operation but to y...

  • Narrowleaf Hawksbeard and Marestail

    Anna Dragseth|Feb 28, 2018

    Narrowleaf hawksbeard and marestail are two invasive annual weeds that resist a widely used herbicide called Glyphosate. These weeds have become increasingly problematic over the years in the Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana area. Marestail, commonly known as horseweed, is a broadleaf weed that germinates in the fall, spring, and early summer. Marestail has become a big problem in no-till fields, reduced tillage production systems, and more recently a problem in some tilled fields. The...

  • Jerry Carroll to Perform at 2018 MonDak Ag Days

    Jordan Hall|Feb 28, 2018

    The Richland County Extension Office is hosting MonDak Ag Days, and along with it, the Ag Days Banquet, on March 1 at 6 p.m., with a social beginning at 5 p.m.. Extension Agent, Tim Fine, spoke to the Roundup and explained the purpose of Ag Days. “The purpose of Ag Days,” Fine said, “is really about educating our agriculture producers on the latest and greatest in what’s going on in the agriculture world, both in educational presentations and by our trade show exhibitors.” As a part of Ag Day...

  • 2018 Western Crop and Pest Management School Set in Williston

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Feb 28, 2018

    Farmers, crop scouts, agronomists and other agricultural professionals will have an opportunity to enhance their pest identification and management skills at the North Dakota State University Extension Service’s 2018 Western Crop and Pest Management School. The school will be held March 6-7 at the Williston Area Recreation Center on the Williston State College campus. Participants also will be able to hear about current research results on topics such as weed control and pulse crop disease management. This is the first time the school has b...

  • Lawsuit Threatening LYIP Ramps Up

    Dianne Swanson|Feb 28, 2018

    The Defenders of Wildlife and Natural Resources Defense Council (plaintiffs) continue their ongoing battle with Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation (defendants), focused only on the comeback of a wild pre-historic fish. The defendants are attempting to balance the survival of the pallid sturgeon with the well being of thousands of people from Glendive to Williston, as well as allowing an entire ecosystem to thrive. In their summary brief to the district court, the plaintiffs are...

  • 2018 Wheat Midge Forecast Lowest on Record

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Feb 28, 2018

    Soil samples in North Dakota indicate low levels of overwintering wheat midge larvae (cocoons) for the 2018 season, according to Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University Extension Service entomologist. A total of 201 soil samples were collected from 21 counties in the fall of 2017 to estimate the regional risk for wheat midge in 2018. The distribution of wheat midge is based on unparasitized cocoons found in the soil samples. "Less than 1 percent of the soil samples had economic population...

  • Feed Like A Champion

    Feb 28, 2018

    On Feb. 18, R&J Ag Supply of Sidney held their second annual Feed Like A Champion seminar for area 4H and FFA members raising show and market animals. The multi-species workshop featured speakers....

  • National Award Goes To MSU Scientist Fighting Weeds

    Evelyn Boswell|Feb 28, 2018

    A Montana State University scientist who is striving to overcome a widespread problem for U.S. farmers – herbicide-resistant weeds – has won a national award for his achievements so far. Prashant Jha, an associate professor at the Southern Agricultural Research Center in the College of Agriculture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, was named Outstanding Early Career Weed Scientist during the Weed Science Society of America's 2018 annual meeting in Arlington, Virginia. The soc...

  • Spotlight on Economics: Procuring an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Not for the Faint of Heart

    Cheryl Wachenheim|Feb 28, 2018

    “I sure hope I get a drone for Christmas,” my son said as though he simply was making an observation. After many years of motherhood, I am quite skilled at ignoring statements made to no one in particular; and this was my strategy. We have dozens of “have to haves” that still occupy a storage bin in the hopes my grandchildren will have more use for the toys than their parents. After he became a bit less subtle, I asked him, “What are you going to do with it?” He started to respond but quickly paused when he realized he had not thought bey...

  • Keep Stored Grain Cool During Spring and Summer

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Feb 28, 2018

    Keeping stored grain cool is important as outdoor temperatures fluctuate and eventually start to warm this spring, a North Dakota State University Extension Service grain storage expert advises. "Not only will daytime temperatures be increasing, but the bin works as a solar collector," Extension agricultural engineer Ken Hellevang says. More heating occurs on the south wall of a grain bin on March 1 than during the middle of the summer. "This heats the grain next to the bin wall to temperatures...

  • John Nowatzki and Dr. Dave Franzen to Speak at 65th Annual Hard Spring Wheat Show

    Anna Dragseth|Jan 31, 2018

    At the 65th Annual Hard Spring Wheat Show on Wednesday, February 7th, Dr. Dave Franzen and John Nowatzki will be speaking. Nowatzi will be speaking at 11:00 am CST and Franzen will be speaking at 2:45 pm CST. Nowatzki is the Agricultural Machine Systems Specialist in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems at North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND. His responsibilities as an Agricultural Machine Specialist are to develop and teach educational programs related to agriculture machinery o...

  • Increasing Potential Yield of Wheat

    Anna Dragseth|Jan 31, 2018

    Joel Ransom, Extension Agronomist Professor at North Dakota State University, will be speaking on the topic, "Moving the Yield Potential of Wheat Upward: What We Learned in 2017" at the 65th Annual Hard Spring Wheat Show. Ransom will be discussing the performance of wheat varieties in different parts of North Dakota. He will also review a range of experiments that were conducted in 2017 by agronomists at the regional research extension centers throughout the state. Many of these are routine...

  • Peterson Farm Brothers to Attend 65th Annual National Hard Spring Wheat Show

    Anna Dragseth|Jan 31, 2018

    On Wednesday, February 7th, an agricultural advocating and musical group of three brothers will be coming to Williston! The event will take place at the Williston Grand Hotel from at 6:00 pm CST to 8:00 pm CST. It is open to the public and admission is free. The Peterson Brothers: Kendal, Greg, and Nathan will be presenting educational and entertaining parodies and talks, all for the purpose of advocating for agriculture. They will be talking about the need to inform people about what they do...

  • Update on Sawfly and Midge

    Jan 31, 2018

    Dr. Janet J. Knodel NDSU Extension Entomologist Janet J. Knodel received her B.S. in Zoology and Ph.D. in Entomology from North Dakota State University in Fargo and her M.S. in Entomology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Since 2006, she has been the Extension Entomologist and Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Plant Pathology at North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND. She provides statewide program leadership for Extension...

  • FAQ About Fusarium Head Blight & Don

    Jan 31, 2018

    Dr. Andrew Friskop NDSU Extension Plant Pathologist Dr. Andrew Friskop is an Extension plant pathologist responsible for the management of cereal diseases in North Dakota. He is a native of North Dakota and received his Ph.D. (2013) from North Dakota State University. His applied research program focuses on the management of several cereal diseases. Dr. Friskop is assisted in his projects by Scott Meyer and Elizabeth Crane....

  • Marketing wheat, durum and barley opportunities and challenges in 2018

    Jan 31, 2018

    Dr. Frayne Olsen, NDSU Extension Economist Dr. Frayne Olson is the Crop Economist/Marketing Specialist with the North Dakota State University Extension Service and Director of the Quentin Burdick Center for Cooperatives. Dr. Olson conducts educational programs and research in evaluating crop marketing strategies, crop outlook and price analysis, and the economics of crop contracting. As Director of the Center for Cooperatives, he teaches a senior level course on cooperative business management...

  • Transitioning to Precision Agriculture Using Yield Maps

    Jan 31, 2018

    John Nowatzki NDSU Agricultural Machine Systems Specialist John's responsibilities include developing and teaching educational programs related to agriculture machinery selection and operation, geo-spatial technology for precision resource management, conservation tillage technologies, agricultural chemical application technology, energy conservation and alternative energy use. Expertise areas: agricultural machine systems, precision agriculture, conservation technology, farm equipment energy...

  • Impact of Wheat Herbicide residues on fall-seeded cover crops

    Jan 31, 2018

    Greg Endres, Area Specialist, Cropping Systems Greg Endres is the CREC area specialist and cropping systems. Greg is a native of Minnesota. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master's degrees in plant science from North Dakota State University at Fargo. He began employment with the NDSU Extension Service in 1983 and has worked since 1990 as area extension specialist/cropping systems at the Carrington Research Extension Center. He serves farmers and crop advisers with educational programs...

  • Hands-on Demonstration Identifying troublesome weeds

    Jan 31, 2018

    Ryan Buetow, Area Extension Cropping Systems Specialists Ryan Buetow is the area extension cropping systems specialist at the Dickinson Research Extension Center. Buetow attended North Dakota State University, where he pursued an undergraduate degree in crop and weed science and a master's degree in plant sciences with work in nitrogen management in soybean and dry bean. He is currently working on observing the effects of rotation, nitrogen, and fungicide on foliar diseases of wheat, strategies...

  • JB Angus Continues a Tradition of Quality Beef Production

    Anna Dragseth|Jan 31, 2018

    The Kubas family has been farming and ranching in the area for 5 generations. In 2013 Bobby and Erika Kubas took over Tuhy Angus and established JB Angus. Their primary focus is raising seed stock for commercial cattlemen. The registered cows receive no special treatment and must maintain their place in the herd, making them structurally sound and acclimated to hard winters. Good maternal genetics are important, and a lot of selection pressure is placed on the bulls. Cattle must have structural correctness, a calm disposition, and “real w...

  • DON Testing and Impacts of High DON on Seeding establishment

    Jan 31, 2018

    Dr. Audrey Kalil, Plant Pathologist Audrey is the Plant Pathologist at the NDSU Williston Research Extension Center. She leads both basic and applied research programs focused on management of plant diseases on the economically important, highly diverse crops in western North Dakota. She also coordinates the summer IPM and Pulse Crop Scouting Programs....

  • Nitrogen Fertilization Following a drought and what does the clay chemistry map mean for me?

    Jan 31, 2018

    Dr. Dave Franzen, Extension Soil Specialist Dr. Dave Franzen received his BS, MS and PhD from the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. He spent 18 years as an agronomist and manager in the retail fertilizer business in east central Illinois. He completed his PhD in 1993 with a thesis addressing field variability of P, K, and soil pH in two Illinois fields with the results published. He joined the NDSU faculty in June of 1994. Franzen provides educational programs on soil and soil fertility...

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