Sorted by date Results 675 - 699 of 2265
Changes in federal grazing and harvesting rules on prevented-planting acres could help North Dakota livestock producers in select counties replenish forage supplies, or at least offset shortages in perennial forage production, according to North Dakota State University Extension livestock specialists. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will allow producers to graze, hay or cut cover crops on prevented-planting acres beginning Sept. 1. Counties included in the change are: Barnes, Benson,...
The Montana Farm Bureau applauds Congressman Gianforte (R-MT) for his co-sponsoring of two important bills for livestock producers: The Requiring Assistance to Meat Processors for Upgrading Plants (RAMP-UP Act) and the Direct Interstate Retail Exemption for Certain Transactions (DIRECT) Act. MFBF has been actively pursuing legislation and other actions that will improve cattle markets for producers in Montana and the rest of the country. “One huge problem in Montana is a lack of livestock processing capacity,” stated MFBF National Affairs Direc...
The Richland County Fair is an event where youth and their families gather to showcase educational project work, learn through evaluation and make lifelong connection with others. Richland County 4-H members look forward to the fair every year. It is a time to celebrate their accomplishments for the year. This year we will still be celebrating the many accomplishments of the youth, but it will be a lot different. Due to COVID-19, the public Richland County Fair and Rodeo was cancelled, however,...
Sarah Helmuth, Lambert Hi-Litters 4-H Club member, has been participating in 4-H for ten years. "I was born into 4-H! My brother is ten years older than me, so when I was born, he was busy participating in 4-H it is definitely a family thing," stated Helmuth. Throughout her time in 4-H, she has competed in many local and state events and has shown many animal and indoor exhibits. "Some of my favorite projects are my breeding projects because I get the reward of showing my animals at the fair,...
Although only 14 years old, Marett Schieber has a strong history of earning top 4-H livestock honors at the Richland County Fair. Marett became involved in livestock judging about six years ago with the support of her parents, Gary and Laura Schieber. In that first year, Marett was selected for the reserve champion novice sheep showmanship award. She followed that up by having her market hog earn grand champion honors in 2016. She then won the grand champion award for novice swine showmanship....
Third-year member and secretary of the Yellowstone Valley Trailblazers 4-H Club, Karley McPherson, has been working hard preparing for the upcoming Richland County 4-H market animal show and sale. This year she is showing a market steer and hog. "This is my third year showing a steer and my first year showing a pig. I have really enjoyed showing my steer, so I am really excited to show my pig this year," said McPherson. She also participates in several indoor projects, including photography and...
After years of working on his uncle's ranch in Wildrose, ND, Kevin Holten, Executive Producer of Special Cowboy Moments, knew that there was more to life than stacking and hauling tons of hay bales every summer. "I grew up in Wildrose, ND, and I started working on my uncle's ranch when I was eight years old, so I have done all of those not-so-fun jobs. I have hauled millions, I think, of bales in my day and it is probably stacking and hauling hay bales that prompted me to go to college because...
As of the beginning of July, Steve Rosenau has been named Sidney Sugars, Inc. chief operating officer. In Rosenau's new position; he oversees all agriculture and factory operations and grower-related activities. Rosenau has been involved with the American Crystal Sugar Company for many years and has held various positions, including corporate controller, business development manager,financial analyst, factory manager, pproduction superintendent, and process engineer. Rosenau stated, “My whole professional career has been American Crystal S...
Bozeman - A new video from Montana State University Extension shows the impact and causes of soil acidification and offers Montana farmers management options to prevent, adapt to or correct acidic soil, which can lead to heavy yield losses. "Soil acidification is an emerging issue in Montana, where low soil pH has traditionally not been a concern," said Clain Jones, MSU Extension's soil fertility specialist and professor in the MSU College of Agriculture's Department of Land Resources and Enviro...
Farmers and ranchers feed our state, our nation, and in fact, our world. You work long hours to provide essential resources for us all, and in these challenging times, I want you to know that USDA is here to support you and your operation through our Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, or CFAP. Whether you farm one acre or many more, grow food for local markets or big supply chains, CFAP can help. We’re accepting applications through Aug. 28 and encouraging producers to apply now. In Montana, we have already approved 7,642 applications and d...
Jennifer and Addison Morken found the little tractor last week at High Caliber Sports. They won $100 in Chamber Bucks in The Agriculture is Everywhere Promotion sponsored by Tri-County Implement. Make sure you look for the tractor at participating businesses this week to win $100 in Chamber Bucks. Participating stores include The Merge, J'z Fashion, Sidney Mercantile, Johnson Hardware and Furniture, Meraki Boutique, Mimi's Kitchen, Party Central, Tri County Implement, MT Bare Cave and High...
Bozeman - Family legacies are often more than just property or money left behind in a will. They may include family values, memories or hopes that the dying may wish to pass down for younger generations. According to Montana State University Extension educators, individuals can create what is called an ethical will, in addition to an estate plan, to express those values and pass them on to surviving family members. According to Wendy Wedum, MSU Pondera County Extension agent, and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, an...
Farm Succession Planning is now one of the services offered by the Trust Department at First State Bank & Trust. As a Certified Farm Succession Planner, Heidi Olson has the tools to help Ag producers design a succession plan to transition the family farm or ranch business, whether it be to family members of the next generation or to determine a clear plan on how to divide and sell assets per the wishes of the farm owner(s). She facilitates conversations with farm clients to create specific goals and implement plans in accordance with the...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's North Dakota State University (NDSU) Williston Research Extension Center (WREC) Dryland and Irrigated Field Days will be conducted online. NDSU WREC staff members have prepared short pre-recorded videos that include information on dryland and irrigation research being performed at the research center. These videos will be available for viewers to watch on July 8 at Researchers will be discussing a variety of topics during th...
Billings, MT - USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds producers in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming that for the 2021 crop year a Fall Seeded Practice has been added for: 1) Irrigated Alfalfa Forage Seeding in all Montana and Wyoming counties; and 2) for Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Alfalfa Forage Seeding in all North Dakota and South Dakota counties. The Forage Seeding crop insurance policy insures newly established forage stands during the initial crop year of establishment. The final date to purchase or make changes to F...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruptions throughout the U.S. red meat and poultry industry. As a result, consumers may find limited availability of some meat items at grocery stores, while meat and poultry producers may not be able to find a market for livestock and poultry ready to harvest. Plus, consumers may see higher prices for preferred meat products. "The function of the price system is to prevent shortages and surpluses," says Tim Petry, North Dakota State University Extension...
This year, Safflower Technologies International, LLC (STI) will be conducting a local safflower refinery feasibility study. This study will determine whether or not an area safflower refinery would be profitable in the McKenzie County area. The McKenzie County Job Development Authority (JDA) and the McKenzie County Commissioners have both granted $8,000 each in funds to financially support the study. The McKenzie County JDA fosters primary sector economic growth for McKenzie County They expresse...
Helena, MT- At a hearing on June 24, Senator Steve Daines presented his Montana Water Rights Protection Act to the members of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. The legislation, which is co-sponsored by Senator Jon Tester, will define the federally reserved water rights of the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes and settle the legal claims of the Tribes against the federal government. The Montana Water Rights Protection Act marks a historic move towards settling the century-long dispute by providing protections for existing water users...
Thanks to the generosity of Tri County Implement, the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture is excited to announce the "Agriculture is Everywhere Promotion." The promotion starts the week of June 29 and runs for five straight weeks at participating stores. When the first shopper finds the matchbox size Case International tractor at a store, that week's lucky shopper will receive $100 in Chamber Bucks. The store where the tractor will be located changes each week. Tri County Implement...
Several hundred thousand head of cattle are on U.S. roadways every day, and given the volume of cattle being transported, the likelihood of a truck being involved in an accident is high. However, first responders and law enforcement officers aren't always trained in how to handle an incident with cattle. As a result, North Dakota State University Extension specialists joined university and Extension faculty from across the country in developing the Bovine Emergency Response Plan (BERP) and...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released regulations for direct payments under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). "CFAP provides vital financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have suffered a 5% or greater price decline due to COVID-19 and face additional significant marketing costs as a result of lower demand, surplus production and disruptions to shipping patterns and the orderly marketing of commodities," says Ron Haugen, North Dakota State...
Yellow patches of leafy spurge are beginning to pop up in road ditches across North Dakota. "Leafy spurge is the most recognized noxious weed in the state, infesting approximately 750,000 acres," says Miranda Meehan, North Dakota State University Extension's livestock environmental stewardship specialist. "Canada thistle tops the state at over 800,000 acres, with absinth wormwood the third most common at over 600,000 acres," she adds. "These species are the most common noxious weeds found on...
Providing adequate water to livestock is critical for animal health and production. "Good-quality water can have a major impact on your cattle's intake and weight gain," says Miranda Meehan, North Dakota State University Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist. Canadian studies have shown the quality of water accessible to livestock is directly tied to the amount of forage they consume. Studies report improved gains by as much as 0.24 pound per day in yearlings and 0.33 pound...
In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, staying active as an organization is difficult, but the McKenzie County Extension Office has implemented ways to keep the 4-H fair time experience alive. By implementing a virtual 4-H market animal sale and hoping for a 4-H Achievement Day at a later date, the McKenzie County Extension staff believe this will help provide a fun 4-H experience for 4-H members while still following CDC guidelines. Due to the 2020 McKenzie County Fair being canceled, there...
Great Falls, MT- Montana Farmers Union and Farmers Union Enterprise donated 30,000 pounds of pork ribs to the Montana Food Bank Network in Missoula Monday. The pork ribs are from Redwood Farms, one of the entities in the Farmers Union family of businesses owned by Farmers Union Enterprises. "COVID-19 has impacted all of us, said Walter Schweitzer, President of Montana Farmers Union. "It has affected our livelihoods and our food systems. Farmers Union is all about helping a neighbor in need....