ag roundup

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  • MSU Extension Offering New Publications On Soil Nutrient Management For Forage Crops

    Sepp Jannotta|Mar 5, 2014

    Forage crops provide substantial income to many Montana farmers. They are also an integral part of livestock production systems. Improvements in forage production through good soil fertility practices have the potential to increase income for farmers and ranchers. Montana State University Extension has recently published two bulletins, “Soil Nutrient Management for Forages: Nitrogen” and “Soil Nutrient Management for Forages: Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, and Micronutrients.” These publications present soil nutrient management options for Mon...

  • Renewable Accounts:

    David Ripplinger|Mar 5, 2014

    While North Dakota has tremendous natural gas resources in the form of associated gas,the infrastructure to collect natural gas and move it is not fully developed, as evidenced by the continued flaring of gas. However, this is expected to change soon and in a big way. One of the activities I’m regularly involved with is siting new facilities. It’s fun to pull down a map, push pins, draw lines and evaluate communities against prioritized criteria. Among the most critical criterion for siting new biorefineries and other bio-based processing fac...

  • Crop Insurance Deadline Approaching for Producers

    Jim Rickman|Mar 5, 2014

    The USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds producers in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming that the spring sales closing date is March 15. The spring sales closing and cancellation date applies to spring planted crops, and is also the deadline for producers to notify their agent if they have planted winter wheat in a county with only spring wheat coverage. There are also important changes for organic producers this year. The five percent surcharge for all acreage insured under organic farming practices has been removed and a...

  • MSU Extension to Celebrate Centennial Anniversary in 2014

    Sara Adlington|Mar 5, 2014

    Montana State University Extension will celebrate its centennial anniversary in 2014 with special events around the state and continuing local education programs. MSU Extension is a network of educators in all counties of the state and specialists on the MSU campus providing unbiased, research-based education programs and information to strengthen the social, economic and environmental well-being of Montana citizens. MSU Extension has been educating in Montana’s local communities for 100 years. It may show up as after-school or 4-H youth p...

  • 2012-2013 Year End Award For Youth Rodeo Assoc.

    Mar 5, 2014

    Banquet held January 26, 2014 PeeWee Girls 2012-13 All Around Champion - Cassandra Schiffer 2012 – 13 All Around Runner up - Chalee Harms Poles 1. Chalee Harms, Miles City 2. Cassandra Schiffer, Rosebud 3. Harley Meged, Miles City 4. Rowan Ellingson, Sidney Goats 1. Cassandra Schiffer, Rosebud 2. Harley Meged, Miles City 3. Chalee Harms, Miles City 4. Draya Wacker, Melstone Flags 1. Harley Meged, Miles City 2. Chalee Harms, Miles City 3. Cassandra Schiffer, Rosebud 4. Rowan Ellingson, Sidney Barrels 1. Chalee Harms, Miles City 2. Draya W...

  • Impacted Rancher Opposes Keystone XL

    Olivia Splinter|Mar 5, 2014

    “The Northern Plains Resource Council believes that careful analysis of the just-released final Environmental Impact Statement will show that it is far short of demonstrating that the Keystone XL pipeline would be in the national interest,” said Darrell Garoutte, a Northern Plains member and rancher whose land would be crossed by the pipeline in McCone County, Montana. “The release of the final EIS means that it is now time for citizens, especially in the affected states with so much to lose, to speak up and let Secretary Kerry and President Ob...

  • Farm Bureau Applauds Right to Grow GMO Program

    Mar 5, 2014

    The Montana Farm Bureau and American Farm Bureau support the recent announcement that farmers who are looking to plant new technologies have a reliable way to market their product with the “Right to Grow GMO” program. The program, developed by Syngenta and Gavilon Grain, LLC, will serve as a model to provide confidence for the American farmer that they will continue to have access to new technologies while meeting the needs of international customers. Montana Farm Bureau Wheat Committee Chair Ken Johnson expressed his enthusiasm for the pro...

  • MSU Extension "Dying Without a Will" Materials Available

    MSU News Service|Mar 5, 2014

    Given that seven out of 10 Montanans die without writing a will, Montana State University Extension has developed materials to educate people about what happens to their property if they die without a will. The information can be accessed at:, or by obtaining a free CD from MSU Extension. By clicking through a series of yes-or-no questions on the website, Montanans can see on a simple family tree how Montana law distributes their if property if they pass away without writing a will, said Marsha Goetting, MSU...

  • BeefTalk: Understanding EPD Percentile Tables is Important

    Kris Ringwall|Mar 5, 2014

    A simple way to deal with the table is to decide on what level of performance one wants to shop for. The discussion of how to utilize breed association expected progeny differences (EPDs) by setting individual goals requires that producers understand how bulls are positioned within the breed association’s data set. For example, if a producer is looking at a Simmental bull, then go to the American Simmental Association’s website at and click on the “Industrial Science/Tech Advancement” tab. From there, hover on the “Ge...

  • Ag Producers Income Tax Filing Deadline Draws Near

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Mar 5, 2014

    Ron Haugen, NDSU Extension Service farm economist, has some items to note for your 2013 income tax preparation. Agricultural producers have until March 3, 2014, to file their 2013 income tax returns without penalty if they have not made estimates. “Producers have until April 15 to file without penalty if they have paid their estimated tax by Jan. 15,” says Ron Haugen, North Dakota State University Extension Service farm economist. Items to note for 2013 income tax preparation: New for 2013 is an additional Medicare tax of 0.9 percent on wag...

  • Montana Young Farmers and Ranchers Learn, Network at National Conference

    Mar 5, 2014

    Networking, new ideas and leadership were all part of the American Farm Bureau National Young Farmers and Ranchers Leadership Conference February 8-10 in Virginia Beach, VA. Twenty-nine Montana Farm Bureau and Collegiate Young Farmers and Ranchers found the trip invaluable. MFBF YF&R Jenny Stovall found the networking incredibly worthwhile. "There were young farmers and ranchers from all commodities. We had differences but also similarities and struggles," said Stovall, who ranches with her...

  • Prairie Fare: Snooze Your Way to Better Health

    Julie Garden-Robinson|Mar 5, 2014

    Sleep is critical for functioning in daily life. “Daylight savings time is almost here. We can’t forget to move the clocks forward,” my husband commented the other day. “Oh, no. I have a hard time with losing an hour of sleep when we ‘spring ahead’,” I replied. Although I appreciate the extended daylight hours, I feel jet lag for a few days. That one hour of lost snoozing time has some major repercussions, according to a survey of 1,000 adults conducted by the Better Sleep Council in 2013 and 2014. About 61 percent of survey respondents s...

  • Spotlight on Economics: Who is Driving Food Standards?

    David Saxowsky|Mar 5, 2014

    If a consumer does not care for a particular food, there are almost always plenty of alternatives, and many consumers have the income to pursue those alternatives. Americans enjoy relatively low-cost food when measured as a percent of our income. For several decades, food expenditures in the U.S. have been between 10 and 11 percent of our disposable income. Canada, Europe and several Pacific Rim nations are other countries or regions of the world that enjoy relatively low-cost food. Nations...

  • Wheat Show to Feature "Best of the Best"

    Warren Froelich|Jan 29, 2014

    The 2014 National Hard Spring Wheat Show has taken on a different look with the incorporation of NDSU’s Best of the Best in addition to several other keynote speakers and the ever-popular Bread Fair for area 5th grade students. The Best of the Best will offer some of the leading issues facing todays wheat growers. For example Dr. Fabian Menalled, Extension Crop Weed Specialist of Montana State University, will share the latest information on herbicide resistantKochia and other weeds, status a...

  • Andrew Friskop - Latest on Fungicide and Diseases in Wheat

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    On Tuesday, February 4th at 9:40 am Andrew Friskop will be reviewing wheat diseases from the 2013 production season and management options for those diseases. Listeners can expect to hear a review of the fungicide options in wheat with regards to efficacy and timing of applications. Friskop is a native of North Dakota; born in Rugby and raised in Hankinson. He received a bachelor of science in Crop and Weed Science from NDSU. During the summer of 2008 he became a NDSU IPM crop scout for Marcia...

  • PASO to put on Photo Contest

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    The Williston State College, Post-Secondary Ag Students Organization (PASO) will again be in charge of the Photo Contest in conjunction with the National Hard Spring Wheat Show (February 3, 4, 5.) Photos can be entered prior to the Wheat Show at any of the following: Williams County Extension Agent (courthouse) Williston Research Extension Center WSC Business Office Be mailed to Williston State College c/o Ag Club, 1410 University Ave. Willison, ND. 58801. Or be entered at the Wheat Show on...

  • Marketing Wheat and Barley in 2014 – Presented by Dr. Frayne Olson

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    Join Dr. Olson on Tuesday, February 4th at 2:20pm as he plans to provide an update on the wheat and barley price outlook for 2014. The focus of his discussion will be on the key factors that are currently impacting wheat and barley prices and to talk about the economic forces that may influence prices in the near future. Dr. Olson received his PhD from the University of Missouri in Agricultural Economics, and his M.S. and B.S. in Agricultural Economics from North Dakota State University. He is...

  • Joyce Eckhoff – Can Cadmium Levels in Durum be Managed?

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    Joyce Eckhoff earned a PhD in Agronomy/Plant Genetics from the University of Arizona in 1985. Since then, she's worked at the Montana State University Eastern Agricultural Research Center in Sidney and currently holds the position of Research Agronomist. Most of her research is with small grains, including a small durum breeding project. In addition to this, Eckhoff also does research on sugar beets, pulse crops, and other alternative crops. Eckhoff states, "Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that...

  • Using LLCs and LLPs to Run and Convey Your Farm Operation – Michael Baron

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    Michael Baron, formerly of Mandan, North Dakota, has been in the farm estate planning business since 1978. He brings more than 30 years of experience in "Keeping the Family Farm in the Family." On Wednesday, February 5th at 9:00am Baron shares his knowledge on the topic of how to use LLCs and LLPs to Run and Convey Your Farm Operation and Estate Planning. Baron is certified by the American College of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania in the following areas of expertise: Fundamentals of Estate Planning...

  • Fabian Menalled - Herbicide Resistance in Kochia and Other Weeds, Status and Strategies for Control

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    Extension Crop Weed Specialist, Fabian Menalled, received a BS in Ecology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and a PhD from the University of Massachusetts. Menalled was employed for nearly ten years at Michigan State University and Iowa State University. In 2004, he joined the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. He is currently an Associate Professor in Weed Ecology and Management and focuses his research and extension on small grain...

  • John Nowatzki Presents Remote Sensing, Drones and Sensors – Can They Help Me Farm?

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    John Nowatzki, NDSU Extension Agricultural Machine Systems Specialist brings to you many years of experience and knowledge. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree, Agricultural Education, at NDSU in 1968 and a Master of Science Degree, Agricultural Education in 1974. Nowatzki regularly delivers educational presentations on various precision agriculture topics including unmanned aircraft systems, LiDAR applications, variable rate fertilization of field crops, sprayer boom section control,...

  • Elizabeth Hagen – Professional Speaker, Author and Business Coach Speaks Twice on Wednesday, Feb. 5th

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    Elizabeth Hagen, professional speaker, author and business coach, grew up in a small town in Iowa and her dad always said they lived where the front door was in the city and back door in the country. In 1989 Elizabeth, her husband, and 5 kids made the move to South Dakota and never looked back! When her 5th child started school she began the adventure of starting her speaking and consulting business. Through her presentations all across the U.S. and personal coaching, Elizabeth's humor,...

  • Michael Baron Presents "The Weight of Wealth: Is it Really Worth it?"

    Tie Shank|Jan 29, 2014

    Join Michael Baron, native of Mandan, ND and President/Owner of Great Plains Diversified Services, Inc., On Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30pm for "How do we manage our new-found wealth?" Baron brings a very dedicated and focused expertise to farmers and ranchers regarding their unique industry needs. He's been in the farm estate planning business since 1978. Originally employed with National Farmers Union Insurance in Mandan, North Dakota, as a property and casualty agent, he received specialized...

  • Mick Denowh of Sidney Completes Term on Montana Stockgrowers Board of Directors

    Ryan Goodman|Jan 29, 2014

    Mick Denowh of Sidney has completed two terms on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) Board of Directors representing the Northeastern District. His peers elected Mick to the 13-member board in 2009 and re-elected him in 2011. Denowh was honored for his service at MSGA’s 129th Annual Convention and Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Grand Montana in Billings, Dec. 12-14. “Mick had a long distance to travel to most MSGA meetings, but only missed one meeting due to his family’s spring bull sale,” says MSGA President, Tucker Hughes of Stanfor...

  • Sidney Sugars Top 10 Beet Growers for 2013

    Jan 29, 2014

    Sidney Sugars honored the Top 10 Beet Growers at the annual Top 10 luncheon held January 15 at St. Matthews multi purpose center. Before announcing this year’s winners, agricultural manager Russ Fullmer gave an overview of the 2013 growing season. Mother Nature presented Sidney Sugars and beet growers with challenges at planting, harvesting and in between. The traditional planting date saw snow still on the ground, causing delays of a week or two. Within 2 weeks of emergence, pivots were up and farmers were looking at having to start i...

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