(382) stories found containing 'Williams County'

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  • All Mon-Dak API Golf Tournament

    Jordan Hall|Jun 14, 2017

    The American Petroleum Institute (API) is a national trade association that represents different aspects of America's oil and natural gas industry. There are approximately 625 corporate members, from the largest major oil company to the smallest of independents from all segments of the industry. They are producers, refiners, suppliers, marketers, pipeline operators and marine transporters, as well as service and supply companies that support the industry. The Mon-Dak chapter of API, which is...

  • McKenzie County Fairground Activities Await

    Anna Dragseth|May 24, 2017

    Summer days are drawing near and so are fair time activities! On May 31st and June 1st starting at 9:00 am there will be a Les Vogt horsemanship clinic held at the Mckenzie County Fairgrounds in Watford City. Vogt is a very experienced and highly reputable clinician/horse trainer. Vogt has won 15 World Champion Reining and Working Cow Horse titles, as well as numerous other championships. He has done many lectures in the United States, Canada, Australia, and western Europe. Both professional and amateur students are encouraged to attend his...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Apr 19, 2017

    High-quality Seed (part 2) Last week I wrote the first section with information from the NDSU publication Selecting High-quality Seed of Cereal Grains written by Joel Ransom, Cereal Crops Agronomist. This week I am going to continue off of last weeks information, and start with the continuation of the factors to be avoided when selecting grain. Dead seed can result from frost damage, sprouting or other weather damage, high moisture during storage or diseases. Molds or fungi, even when...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Dec 28, 2016

    Body Condition Score There are several approaches and tools to help determine if the beef cow’s nutritional requirements and needs are being met. Some include testing feeds for nutritional content and visually evaluating cow appearance. A standardized scoring system has been developed to rate a cow’s visual appearance from 1 to 9 based on body fat and fleshiness. Higher scores equate to higher condition and weight cows, reflecting current and past nutrition has supported weight gain and bod...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Dec 21, 2016

    Nutrition and Feeding of Beef Cattle Cattle are ruminants, the digestive system of cattle includes a large fluid filled rumen containing a large population of microbes. Microbes have the ability to break down fibrous components of roughages and initiate feed digestion. As feed passes from rumen to smaller stomach structures, the body absorbs the water and the animal’s digestive enzymes further break down feed for nutrient absorption. As calories define the energy in food we eat, and what is u...

  • WSC to Offer Housing Scholarship

    Dec 21, 2016

    Just when you think its not possible for Regional and Williams County Graduate (WCG) Scholarship recipients to receive anything else, the Williston State College Foundation provides another scholarship to offset the expense of housing. For the next three years beginning Fall 2017, students attending WSC as part of the Regional or WCG Scholarship can apply for the Regional County Housing Scholarship to receive $1,000 per semester to live in Frontier Hall. “Having these dollars allocated to help with the offset of education expenses from our d...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Dec 14, 2016

    Annie’s Project Some women in the agriculture world have heard of Annie’s Project. So what is it? A program for empowering women in agriculture to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information. Farm and ranch women are decision makers, so why Annie’s Project? This is a six-week course that is a discussion-based workshop bringing women together to learn from experts in production, financial management, human resources, marketing and the legal...

  • Williston Builders Association names New Executive Officer

    Nov 30, 2016

    The Williston Area Builders Association is pleased to announce the hiring of their new Executive Officer, Mariah Bates. Mariah grew up in coastal New Hampshire until she graduated high school and left for college. She then attended college at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado where she received her Bachelors of Business Degree with a double major in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Mariah moved to Williston, North Dakota with her husband Pace in February of this year. Growing up in the construction industry around her father a...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Nov 16, 2016

    Farm and Ranch Succession Planning Many people in our area are a part of a farm or ranch operation, it is a family business. Having a family business is difficult, no matter what form of business it is. On December 6th and 13th from 1:00p.m. to 4:30p.m. North Dakota State University Extension Service Williams County will be hosting Design Your Succession Plan. Attendance on both dates is required as it is a seven hour program. This will be at the Williston Research Extension Center. A great oppo...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Nov 9, 2016

    Upcoming Programs Williams County Extension Service has a few programs coming up over the next few weeks. Bovine Connection, this program is starting back up! This was a great program put on by North Dakota State University Extension Service and Montana State University Extension Service, but had died out over the last five years. MSU Extension and NDSU Extension Service decided to bring this program back to the area. The day will be November 29th in Culbertson, MT. The time will start at...

  • Lunnen To Add 83 Acres To 1804 Industrial Park in Trenton

    Jeff Lunnen|Nov 9, 2016

    Lunnen Real Estate Services, an industrial real estate development and brokerage company, along with their partners have acquired 83 acres adjoining the Dakota Access (Energy Transfer Partner's) crude oil gathering Trenton Terminal West of Williston in Williams County to add to their 1804 Industrial Park. This acquisition will expand the park to over 200 acres of heavy industrial land intended for crude oil storage and ancillary oil companies around the terminal. Matrix construction is nearing completion of the Trenton Terminal, which is a 30...

  • Regional County Scholarship Expands to Nine Counties for Fall 2017

    Nov 2, 2016

    The WSC Foundation is proud to announce an expansion to the Regional County Scholarship to include Daniels, Richland, Roosevelt, Sheridan, and Valley counties in northeastern Montana. The Regional County Scholarship was established February 2016 with four counties in northwestern North Dakota: Burke, Divide, McKenzie, and Mountrail. “It has long been a goal of our Foundation to help our regional students,” stated Terry Olson, Executive Director of the WSC Foundation. “Eastern Montana is a great service area for WSC and we have a strong alumn...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Oct 26, 2016

    Long-term Cropping Study Over in Carrington, the North Dakota State University Carrington Research Extension Center has just released its results of a cropping systems study that started in 1987. The following information is taken from the Carrington Research Extension Center’s website and written by Ezra Aberle, Agronomy Research Specialist. The study consisted of three sets of 4-year crop rotations that are replicated three times each year. The eight cycle ended in 2015. This post discusses s...

  • The Peterson Memorial Senior Center Sees Improvements

    Meagan Dotson|Oct 12, 2016

    Sidney Senior Citizens are back to using the Peterson Memorial Senior Center after about three weeks worth of renovations by B&B Builders. It all started with a hand washing sink that was needed to bring the building up to code; from there the center got an island with cabinets for storage underneath, new counter tops, a new dishwasher, and the building was also hooked up to city water which was a vast improvement from the well-water they'd been using. During the upgrades, seniors met at Neil...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Oct 12, 2016

    What is BQA? Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) is a producer driven program in which cattle producers assume responsibility for producing beef that is a healthy, wholesome, quality product and free from defects such as injection-site lesions and bruises. Producers in BQA programs keep detailed records of husbandry practices and treatments performed on their cattle, Further, producers involved in BQA programs assure their management, husbandry and animal health practices meet regulatory and industry...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Oct 5, 2016

    Recap on the 2016 Disease Survey This summer the Williston Research Extension Center started a scouting program with support from the Northern Pulse Growers Association (NPGA). The support by the NPGA provided funds for a full time crop scout, Adam Carlson NDSU student, to survey fields in Williams, Divide, Mountrail, McKenzie, and Burke. The program was for peas and lentils, which was successful at detecting several diseases this summer and determining their distribution across the region....

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Aug 24, 2016

    Cyanobacterial Poisoning in Livestock Toxic Cyanobacterial blooms, blue-green algae, occur because of favorable conditions in stagnant waters. Those conditions include hot, sunny days and warm, nutrient rich water. These blooms occur late summer into early fall. With the favorable conditions listed above, the bacterial blooms can multiply rapidly. Recently the North Dakota Department of Health listed Cottonwood Lake in Williams County with a warning that a bloom has taken over a significant...

  • Richland Park Is The Place To Be For A Variety Of Summer Time Fun

    Meagan Dotson|Aug 24, 2016

    Richland Park has been a long-standing fixture of Richland County, and has seen plenty of changes over the years. Richland County native and current resident Kelvin Buxbaum has fond memories of the park and its popularity when he was growing up. "There were always picnics being put on by local business and the Moose Lodge, sometimes with hundreds of people in the park," remembers Buxbaum. "When I started working for the county, I took Richland Park under my wing." Just this summer, the park...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Aug 3, 2016

    If you love gardening and sharing your knowledge with others, consider becoming a North Dakota Master Gardener volunteer in collaboration with the North Dakota State University Extension Service. This year’s Master Gardener training program will run for 10 weeks beginning September 9 and ending December 2, with breaks for holidays. The course will be offered online and in a traditional classroom setting. Classroom training will be held every Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Classes will n...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Jul 27, 2016

    Last week I talked about a fungus called Fusarium Head Blights, also known as scab. But along with scab, another problem that is showing up in Williams County and surrounding areas is wheat midge. Wheat midge as an adult is an orange-colored, fragile, very small insect approximately half the size of a mosquito. Wheat midge has three pairs of long legs, a pair of oval wings, transparent and fringed with fine hairs. Two eyes are conspicuous and black. The eggs are elongated, whitish and very...

  • County Agent Update

    Danielle Steinhoff|Jul 20, 2016

    Rain and Warm Weather With the rain and sunshine come many benefits, lush green lawns and potential high yields. But along with good there is always some bad such as mowing your lawn every few days and harmful diseases, fungus and pests. In Williams County, and a few surrounding areas, there have been reports of Wheat Midge and Fusarium Head Blight (FHB). Fusarium Head Blight, also known as scab, is a disease that thrives in warm and moist conditions. Scab is a fungi that is commonly seen on...

  • Project Safe Send

    Jul 6, 2016

    North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring says farmers, ranchers, pesticide dealers and applicators, government agencies and homeowners should bring any unusable pesticides to any of the Project Safe Send collections in July. “Over the past 24 years, thousands of people have brought more than four million pounds of these chemicals to Project Safe Send,” Goehring said. “It is a safe, simple and non-regulatory program that helps people safely and legally get rid of unusable pesticides at no charge.” The program accepts old, unusabl...

  • 4-H Keeps Busy During County Fair

    Danielle Steinhoff|Jun 22, 2016

    The Upper Missouri Valley Fair is held in Williston on June 22-26. There are a lot of wonderful events going on for everyone every day of the fair. The Williams County 4-H members have been working hard on projects all year long, the final reward is the fair. From sewing, woodworking and baking to livestock there will be projects displayed the whole time of the fair. The rabbit and poultry show will be on Wednesday June 22, at 4:30 p.m., the other species; beef, swine, sheep and goat, will be...

  • Williston Seeks Artistic Input For New Veterans Memorial

    Barbara Peterson|Jun 1, 2016

    The Williston Military Affairs Committee is seeking public input on a new memorial to honor veterans from the Global War on Terrorism. The monument would be placed at Memorial Plaza located in Riverview Cemetery on 9th Avenue West in Williston. Memorial Plaza was created to honor the men and women from Williams County who have served their country. The site currently has monuments for veterans of WWI, WWII, the Korean War and Vietnam War. The Military Affairs Committee, which is a branch of the Williston Area Chamber of Commerce, began consider...

  • Extension Update: Cutworms in Northeast Montana and Western North Dakota

    Jeffrey M. Chilson|Jun 1, 2016

    Montana State University Extension has received reports of cutworms in Northeast Montana and Western North Dakota (Roosevelt, Sheridan, Valley and Williams County). Cutworms are moths that are native to North America with one reproductive cycle per year. The larvae of the moth is the stage that is damaging to crops. There are two main types of cutworms present in the MonDak region and both varieties may cause damage to small grains, alfalfa, canola, peas and sugar beets. Pale Western Cutworm larvae feed on the plants’ stems below the surface a...

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