(216) stories found containing 'EARC'

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  • Dr. Frankie Crutcher's Studies and Speaking Topics

    Anna Dragseth|Jul 12, 2017

    Dr. Frankie Crutcher started working at the Eastern Agriculture Research Center in Sidney in June 2016. She has a Bachelor's degree in Plant Biotechnology from Montana State University. She also has a Ph.D. in Genetics from Texas A&M University and did postdoctoral research for four years at the USDA-ARS Southern Plains Agricultural Research Unit. Crutcher is now an Assistant Professor at the Eastern Ag Research Center and will be speaking on two separate topics at the EARC/MSU Extension Field...

  • EARC/MSU Extension 2017 Field Day July 19

    Jul 12, 2017

    The EARC/MSU Extension in Sidney will hold its 2017 Field Day July 19. The morning will begin with registration at 8:30am. At 9:00am Chengci Chen, EARC Superintendent will welcome everyone and give an introduction. At 9:15am Duane Peters will discuss sugarbeet variety selection and agronomy. Mr. Duane Peters is the Agriculture Manager with Sidney Sugars, Inc. Duane has many years of experience in sugarbeet agronomy. He is going to talk to growers about sugarbeet variety selection and update agronomic issues in this region. At 9:30am Reza Keshav...

  • MSU Researcher Attunes Environmental Factors To Pea Genetics To Increase Montana Crop Yield And Performance

    MSU News Service|Jul 12, 2017

    Farmers in Montana, and other parts of the Northern Great Plains, are shifting from cereal-only cropping to a cereal-dry pea cropping system. This transition is not without its share of unknowns, however. Scientists say yield and performance of pea crops depend on both their genetics and the environment. Environmental factors such as temperature and rainfall can vary greatly. Farmers in different parts of the Plains need to know which varieties of pea will do well in the area they are farming....

  • Catch A Sugar Beet Update At EARC/MSU Field Day July 19

    Stephanie Ler|Jul 12, 2017

    Duane Peters, Agricultural Manager for Sidney Sugars, will speak to attendees at the 2017 EARC/MSU Extension Field Day on Wednesday, July 19. Peters calls his update "short and sweet", but plans on discussing sugarbeet variety selection based on the latest research, and give an update on current agronomic issues. Currently, there are about 32,500 acres of beet planted in the area, down about 1,200 acres from the 2016 season. The reasoning, Peters explains, is that "yields are higher so less...

  • EARC/MSU Extension 2017 Field Day July 19

    Jul 5, 2017

    The EARC/MSU Extension in Sidney will hold its 2017 Field Day July 19. The morning will begin with registration at 8:30am. At 9:00am Chengci Chen, EARC Superintendent will welcome everyone and give an introduction. At 9:15am Duane Peters will discuss sugarbeet variety selection and agronomy Mr. Duane Peters is the Agriculture Manager with Sidney Sugars, Inc. Duane has many years of experience in sugarbeet agronomy. He is going to talk to growers about sugarbeet variety selection and update...

  • Producers Can Earn Points At Local Field Days

    Jun 21, 2017

    Pesticide points have been awarded for two local dryland field days coming up on Thursday and Friday, June 22nd and June 23rd. Two private applicator points will be awarded for attendees at each event, along with a mix of commercial points, organizers reported. The field days include the Annual Froid Research Farm Field Day on Thursday, June 22, from 1-5 pm and the Sidney ARS-MSU Eastern Ag Research Center dryland field day set for Friday morning, June 23 from 9 am-12:30 pm. The June 22 Froid Field Day line-up is as follows: FEATURED TALK:...

  • Irrigation Project Threatened Again

    Dianne Swanson|Jun 14, 2017

    Once again, our farmers and communities are threatened by the Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council. In a brief filed with District Court, those plaintiffs are not only asking for another injunction against the construction of the concrete weir and fish bypass, they are also asking that the entire dam be removed from the Yellowstone River, in order to protect the pallid sturgeon. The plaintiffs are not only directly contesting the previous NEPA and ESA analysis of the bypass project, but the very existence of the...

  • Producers Can Earn Points At Local Field Days

    Jun 14, 2017

    Pesticide points have been awarded for two local dryland field days coming up on Thursday and Friday, June 22nd and June 23rd. Two private applicator points will be awarded for attendees at each event, along with a mix of commercial points, organizers reported. The field days include the Annual Froid Research Farm Field Day on Thursday, June 22, from 1-5 pm and the Sidney ARS-MSU Eastern Ag Research Center dryland field day set for Friday morning, June 23 from 9 am-12:30 pm. The June 22 Froid...

  • Irrigation Project Threatened Again

    Dianne Swanson|Jun 7, 2017

    Once again, our farmers and communities are threatened by the Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council. In a brief filed with District Court, those plaintiffs are not only asking for another injunction against the construction of the concrete weir and fish bypass, they are also asking that the entire dam be removed from the Yellowstone River, in order to protect the pallid sturgeon. The plaintiffs are not only directly contesting the previous NEPA and ESA analysis of the bypass project, but the very existence of the...

  • Annual MonDak Area Field Days Approaching

    Anna Dragseth|Jun 7, 2017

    Froid, Sidney, and Williston have held annual Field Day Tours for many years to showcase their involvement and research within the agricultural world. The main purpose of Field Days is to inform and make the public aware of what the research centers around our area are performing and accomplishing. It is now that time of year where research centers are planting seeds in the ground and getting ready to present new ideas and studies for the public to analyze. Froid Research Farm Field Day will be...

  • Irrigation Project Threatened Again

    Dianne Swanson|Jun 7, 2017

    Once again, our farmers and communities are threatened by the Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council. In a brief filed with District Court, those plaintiffs are not only asking for another injunction against the construction of the concrete weir and fish bypass, they are also asking that the entire dam be removed from the Yellowstone River, in order to protect the pallid sturgeon. The plaintiffs are not only directly contesting the previous NEPA and ESA analysis of the b...

  • Intake Diversion Dam Hearing Set For April 5

    Dianne Swanson|Mar 29, 2017

    The hearing to dissolve the injunction stopping the fish bypass and diversion dam at Intake has been set for Wednesday, April 5 in Great Falls. Richland Economic Development is coordinating buses and food for those wishing to attend the hearing. Please call them at 406-482-4679 to reserve your seat, or to let them know that you will be driving on your own. It is critical that RED get a head count since the judge will need to know how many people are there in support of LYIP. Buses will leave promptly at 5:30 am from the MSU – EARC building n...

  • Detoxifying Fusarium Study Focus of ARS BrownBagger Mar. 10

    Beth Redlin|Mar 8, 2017

    Fusarium head blight (FHB) has proved a very costly disease since its emergence as a major threat in the 1990s. Altogether, U.S. wheat and barley farmers have lost over $3 billion due to FHB epidemics. To address the problem, a research program looking at new ways to manage Fusarium diseases using soil microbes is underway at Montana State University’s Eastern Agricultural Research Center in Sidney under the direction of Plant Pathologist Frankie Crutcher. Dr. Crutcher will be sharing the underpinnings of that program in a special B...

  • They Don't Make Em' Like They Used To

    Feb 15, 2017

  • The Sidney Chapter of the American Sewing Guild Invites the Public to Join Them Sept. 15th

    Meagan Dotson|Sep 7, 2016

    September is National Sewing Month and the Sidney Chapter of the American Sewing Guild is inviting the public to join them as they celebrate their 20th anniversary, Thursday, Sep 15th in the Eastern Agricultural Research Center's (EARC) conference room, 1501 N Central Ave. The event will be held from 5:00pm – 8:00pm and attendants will be making tote bags with optional embellishments such as free-motion quilting, decorative stitching, appliques, and coloring on fabric with fabric markers, crayon...

  • Fall Herbicide Application

    Tim Fine|Aug 3, 2016

    In order for an industry to survive and be sustainable, it must be able to adapt and change. Agriculture, our nation's number one industry is no different. Changes in farming practices, crop varieties, management practices, and much more are constantly being researched and recommended. One such practice that has become fairly commonplace in agriculture production is the advent of minimum tillage or no-tillage systems for crop production. I will not go into too much detail in regards to the hows...

  • EARC Welcomes New Plant Pathologist

    Samantha Goldsmith|Aug 3, 2016

    There's a new Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at the MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center in Sidney, MT. Six weeks ago, Frankie Crutcher joined the research center from College Station, Texas. but is originally from Helena, MT. She has been a plant pathologist for almost ten years. Her main focus will be pulse crops and sugar beets but she has an interest in small grains such as wheat and barley. Frankie will be continuing her work on the different types of diseases these crops can...

  • EARC Welcomes New Plant Pathologist

    Samantha Goldsmith|Jul 27, 2016

    There's a new Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at the MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center in Sidney, MT. Six weeks ago, Frankie Crutcher joined the research center from College Station, Texas. but is originally from Helena, MT. She has been a plant pathologist for almost ten years. Her main focus will be pulse crops and sugar beets but she has an interest in small grains such as wheat and barley. Frankie will be continuing her work on the different types of diseases these crops can...

  • MSU-EARC/Extension Holds 36th Annual Field Day

    Jul 6, 2016

    The MSU Eastern Agriculture Research Center Extension held its annual field day on June 30 in Sidney. Research scientists and agronomists presented the findings on ongoing studies and also discussed issues important to local producers. Research topics pertaining to sugar beet, pulse crop, wheat and barley production and seed varieties were presented. Strategies to defend against pests and invasive weeds were also discussed....

  • Information Provided During Dryland Field Day In Sidney

    Bill Vander Weele|Jul 6, 2016

    A wide variety of topics were covered during the dryland field day presented by the Sidney ARS and MSU EARC on Friday. Phil Bruckner, professor/wheat breeder from MSU Bozeman, presented the feature presentation on the EARC stops by discussing varieties of winter wheat. Bruckner said that officials expect to see high levels of winter kills at the locations in Sidney and Williston. “It’s good for a research standpoint, but not so good if you’re growing wheat,” Bruckner said. He notes varieti...

  • MSU-EARC/Extension Holds 36th Annual Field Day

    Jul 6, 2016

    The MSU Eastern Agriculture Research Center Extension held its annual field day on June 30 in Sidney. Research scientists and agronomists presented the findings on ongoing studies and also discussed issues important to local producers. Research topics pertaining to sugar beet, pulse crop, wheat and barley production and seed varieties were presented. Strategies to defend against pests and invasive weeds were also discussed....

  • Information Provided During Dryland Field Day In Sidney

    Bill Vander Weele|Jun 29, 2016

    A wide variety of topics were covered during the dryland field day presented by the Sidney ARS and MSU EARC on Friday. Phil Bruckner, professor/wheat breeder from MSU Bozeman, presented the feature presentation on the EARC stops by discussing varieties of winter wheat. Bruckner said that officials expect to see high levels of winter kills at the locations in Sidney and Williston. "It's good for a research standpoint, but not so good if you're growing wheat," Bruckner said. He notes varieties...

  • MSU Field Day Set For June 30

    Bill Vander Weele|Jun 22, 2016

    Dr. Chengci Chen, superintendent at the MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center in Sidney, is looking forward to his second field day at the location. One large change is that the annual field day activities will take place on June 30. Traditionally, the field day has been held in the middle of July. Chen explains the change came about so that the state advisory council for the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station could hold a meeting in Sidney on the same date. Field day will begin with...

  • Agronomist Covers Various Topics

    Bill Vander Weele|Jun 22, 2016

    The field day programs held in Froid on June 23 and in Sidney on June 24 will feature several presentations by Dr. Brett Allen, agronomist at USDA-ARS in Sidney. The Froid Research Farm Field Day is 1-5 p.m. June 23 eight miles north of Culbertson on Montana Highway 16. Registration starts at 12:45 p.m. The Sidney ARS/MSU EARC Dryland Field Day is June 24 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Site is at the MSU-EARC farmsite located 4.4 miles north of Sidney off Highway 16. The farm turnoff is on the right-...

  • Extension Agent To Cover Weed Concerns

    Tim Fine|Jun 22, 2016

    When I worked for the Extension service in Ohio, the responsibilities of my job, very much like they are here, were focused primarily on education related to agriculture and horticulture production. Back there, more than 90 percent (I’m guessing) of the agriculture cropping system consisted of a corn and soybean roation with occasionally some winter wheat thrown into the mix. When I got here and saw how much more diversified our cropping systems are, I was hoping that we would avoid some of the problems experienced by producers to our East. L...

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