Sorted by date Results 26 - 39 of 39
Cotton candy. Hot dogs. Folks tempting you to step right up and win a prize. Youth chaotically running with tickets in hand from one ride to the next. Shrills, screams and genuine laughter. Must be fair time! For McKenzie County Fair Board members and volunteers, its crunch time as they are busily preparing for the annual fair taking place at the fairgrounds east of Watford City July 11-14. This year’s theme is “Bring out the Kid in You.” “The board thought this was a very appropriate theme b...
For those who missed the pesticide container recycling truck present at the USDA/ARS field tours at Froid and at Sidney last month but who have #2 high density polyethylene plastic pesticide containers for recycling, the Eastern Agricultural Field Day (EARC), scheduled for July 19 in Sidney, will offer participants the opportunity to recycle these containers. Ron Ahlgren, Pesticide Container Recycling Technician with the Montana Department of Agriculture, will have his truck and grinder on...
Area farmers and ranchers may be spending a little less time on the back forty and a little more time on the back nine at the Sidney Country Club as they prepare for an upcoming event. On July 9, the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber’s Agriculture Committee, along with local business sponsors will host the Ag Appreciation Golf Tournament at the Sidney Country Club. Not everyone involved in the 10th annual golf tournament is overly concerned with their skill level when it comes to golfing. In fact, those who are participating a...
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that USDA is accepting applications for grants to help promote sustainable economic development and job creation in rural communities. “Cooperative enterprises often lead economic growth and job creation in rural areas,” Vilsack said. “USDA is offering grants to help organizations start cooperatives, expand existing ones or help develop business opportunities in rural areas.” USDA is offering Rural Cooperative Development Grants (RCDG) to non-profit corporations and institutions of higher edu...
Hot summer days generally bring with them dwindling appetites, no desire to cook a large meal, and the constant struggle to find something nutritious to eat without overburdening the digestive system. Delectable chilled fruit salads and cold drinks go a long way to satisfying the need for food on a hot day, but protein requirements force us to look for adequate main dishes that don’t require a lot of effort to cook, but that fill us up. The following main dish salads fulfill that requirement. I...
Dr. Joyce Eckhoff, local agronomist and interim superintendent of the Eastern Agricultural Research Center (EARC) in Sidney, has released a new durum variety, which she has named Silver. The new variety, released in January, features day length insensitivity, a trait that will enable growers all over the country to use this variety. “Other durum varieties are day length sensitive, which means they need a longer day to mature,” Eckhoff explains. “The further south you go, the longer it takes...
In spite of yo-yo weather that keeps us guessing at tomorrow’s temperatures, sugarbeets have grown well in the past month, and Russ Fullmer, Sidney Sugars agriculture manager, expects this year’s crop will do better than last year’s. “Beets are growing pretty well,” he remarks. “They took off in the warm weather, but they are a little dry. It’s been tough to keep up with the watering with all crops, but the shifts in temperatures haven’t hurt us.” He adds, “A few fields last week got over an in...
I know that we are more than a month away from harvest but I wanted to put this topic out so that you would have an opportunity to take advantage of it and maybe do a little planning ahead. In the past couple of weeks I have had quite a few people who have stopped in the office looking for certified weed free straw. The reason that it is in such high demand is because when a re-seeding is done over a pipeline or other constructed site that needs to be seeded back to grass, a mulch of straw that is certified as being weed seed free must be...
Historically, alfalfa weevils are not a widespread problem in North Dakota. However, 2012 is different. Until recently most growers have been blaming weather for the slow growth of their alfalfa crop. While the dry, early spring season may have slowed early development, the small weevil larvae certainly have had an impact in recent weeks as they feed in the terminal buds of the growing alfalfa. The larvae are light green in color with a white stripe down the center of the back and about three-ei...
Melvin Leland was inducted into the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame in the Modern-Era Ranching Division on June 23 in Medora, N.D. Leland was born January 14, 1944, in Sidney, Mont., to Tony and Mary (Link) Leland. He grew up on the ranch homesteaded by his father in 1911.His father died in 1948 and his mother Mary sustained the ranch with hired help until 1952 when she remarried. Leland helped on the ranch from a young age. He attended Squaw Gap School in McKenzie County and Sidney (Mont.)...
Summer brings with it all sorts of exciting activities, including rodeo. One of the largest and most popular rodeos in our area, the Wolf Point Stampede, will celebrate its 89th year this year and will include the traditional mix of rodeo, carnival, art in the park, and a variety of other activities designed to entertain the entire family. The celebration begins on Wednesday, July 11 with the carnival opening at 5 p.m. and the KVCK Texaco Country Showdown beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Wolf...
Mark your calendar! Montana’s ninth annual Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC) has been set for October 5-7 at the Holiday Inn in Great Falls. Young agriculturalists aged 18-40 are invited to attend this one-of-a-kind conference, where leadership development, education and networking are the main focus of the agenda. People from all sectors of agriculture are encouraged to attend this important event. Whether you are an ag producer, ag lender, college student or are involved in other areas of the industry, everyone is welcome. “The YALC off...
Montana State University’s Post Research Farm west of Bozeman will host a crops and weeds field day July 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pest control advisors, farm managers, chemical company cooperators, and students can learn about ongoing crop and weed research programs at MSU. Attendees can receive Certified Crop Adviser credits, and commercial and private applicator pesticide recertification credits. Staff will share information about research plots and demonstrate weed management techniques, pesticide application strategies, nutrient d...
The deadline to file your annual certification of acres is July 16, 2012. Filing an accurate and timely acreage report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage, can prevent loss of program benefits. FSA-578s may be certified by the farm operator, farm owner, person authorized by power of attorney, or tenants and share-croppers. These producers can only certify to crops in which they have an interest or share. It may be possible that more than one signature is required on a FSA-578. Please contact your Farm Service Agency Office...