Sorted by date Results 51 - 52 of 52
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks generally takes a conservative approach to managing the state's paddlefish. This year all paddlefish regulations were consolidated into one location in the 2012 fishing regulations. Fisheries managers in FWP's Regions 6 and 7 say paddlefish reproduction has been poor or absent in recent years due to a variety of environmental factors. Combine these factors with increased fishing pressure on adult paddlefish, and conservative management is essential. The one exception is the Missouri River above Fort Peck...
North Dakota’s paddlefish snagging season opens May 1 and is scheduled to continue through the end of the month. However, depending on the overall harvest, an early in-season closure may occur with a 36-hour notice issued by the state Game and Fish Department. Snaggers need to be aware that Sundays are now included in snag-and-release-only days. Therefore, snag-and-release of all paddlefish is required on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. Those planning to participate during snag-and-release-only days need to have in their possession a current sea...