Articles written by Roosevelt Medical Center

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  • RMC Awaits Results From Recent Survey, Announces Gift Card Winners

    Roosevelt Medical Center|Feb 18, 2015

    The opinions and feedback of community members recently collected through a mailed Community Needs Assessment Survey conducted by Roosevelt Medical Center is being compiled to help RMC continue to improve its services in the community, while identifying healthcare strengths and gaps. “This survey is the perfect opportunity for the community to have their voices heard,” said Sharon Schmitz, Better Health Improvement Specialist for RMC as part of the Frontier Medicine Better Health Partnership. The brief, random survey was designed to assist RMC...

  • Donation From First English Sunday School to Roosevelt Medical Center ER

    Roosevelt Medical Center|Feb 11, 2015

    Goody bags were created and donated by local youth from the First English Sunday School, of Bainville, and given to Roosevelt Medical Center to be distributed to young patients who have to visit the emergency room. "These bags are a great comfort and distraction for children who can feel very nervous and scared when they are in an emergency situation. It's also such a great way for those who made the bags to give something back to their community," said Vicky Grimsrud, Activities Director for...

  • Roosevelt Medical Center Governing Board Seeks Members - Filing Date Approaches

    Roosevelt Medical Center|Feb 4, 2015

    The Roosevelt Medical Center Governing Board is potentially looking to fill three Governing Board member positions that expire in May of 2015. Newly appointed members would take office in May. Deadline for filing with the Roosevelt County Courthouse, in Wolf Point, is 5:00 p.m. on Feb. 19, for the May 5 election. The Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except in August and December. Meetings typically are about two hours long. All participation is voluntary and unpaid. The three Board members with upcoming terms are Paula...