Articles written by ndsu

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  • Bull-buying Workshops Set

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Dec 7, 2016

    Cattle producers will have an opportunity to learn how expected progeny differences (EPDs) can help them buy the right bulls for their operation during workshops the North Dakota State University Extension Service is holding this winter. The Buying Bulls by the Numbers workshops will be held Dec. 9, and Jan. 20 and Feb. 3, 2017, at NDSU’s Dickinson Research Extension Center. The same workshop information will be presented at the North Dakota Beef Commission offices in Bismarck on Dec. 16, and Jan. 3 and Feb. 10, 2017. The workshops will focus o...

  • NDSU Workshops For Gardeners Offered In April

    McKenzie County NDSU Extension Office|Mar 30, 2016

    North Dakota State University is offering a series of workshops for gardeners. A team of 12 university experts will present information on timely topics in gardening and landscaping. The Spring Fever Garden Forums will be held on Monday nights in April (April 4, 11, 18 and 25). Sessions run from 6:30 to 8:45 pm CDT. “All gardeners are invited to attend our forums,” states Marcia Hellandsaas, NDSU Extension Agent/McKenzie County. “It is a great opportunity to learn of gardening trends and see the latest research from NDSU.” Experts will share i...

  • Good Nutrition Vital for Pregnant Cows

    NDSU Ag Communication|Feb 24, 2016

    Producers need to review their anticipated calving dates, cow body condition scores and cows’ diet. Decisions a cattle producer makes about pregnant cow nutrition now can have major impacts on calf health in the spring and cow fertility during the next breeding season. “The great majority of fetal growth (from 75 to more than 90 percent, depending on the source) occurs during the last three months of pregnancy, and nutrient needs and recommended feeding strategies for the cows also are changing accordingly,” says Carl Dahlen, North Dakot...

  • Cow-calf Management School Set for January 15

    NDSU Ag Communication|Jan 13, 2016

    The NDSU Extension Service in McKenzie County will host a workshop Jan. 15, 2016, for cow-calf producers, particularly those who are new to beef cattle production. This daylong cow-calf management school will cover forage production, cow nutrition, grazing management and the Veterinary Feed Directive through a combination of presentations, activities and problem-solving exercises. The program, held in the McKenzie County Courthouse in Watford City, will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. central time. Presenters and their topics are: * John...

  • Cow-calf Management School Set for Jan. 15

    NDSU Ag Communication|Jan 13, 2016

    The NDSU Extension Service in McKenzie County will host a workshop Jan. 15, 2016, for cow-calf producers, particularly those who are new to beef cattle production. This daylong cow-calf management school will cover forage production, cow nutrition, grazing management and the Veterinary Feed Directive through a combination of presentations, activities and problem-solving exercises. The program, held in the McKenzie County Courthouse in Watford City, will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. central time. Presenters and their topics are: * John...

  • Putting The Profit Back In Your Crop

    NDSU Extension|Nov 18, 2015

    A series of producer meetings entitled “Cropping Decisions 2016: Putting the Profit Back in Your Crop” have been scheduled for December 7-11 across northwest North Dakota. The NDSU Extension Service in McKenzie County will be hosting one of these meetings at the Cartwright Hall in Cartwright on Thur., Dec. 10th at 9:00 a.m. Central Time. The “Cropping Decisions” meeting series is designed to cover a variety of agronomic, management, and market issues that could be of concern to producers in the 2016 growing season. The meetings will begin w...

  • Calf Losses Before Birth A Concern-The Best Way To Determine What Caused An Abortion Or Stillbirth In Cattle Is Lab Testing

    NDSU Extension Services|Apr 1, 2015

    Abortions can be a major concern for cattle producers. An “abortion” is the discharge of the fetus prior to the end of the normal gestation period, according to Gerald Stokka, North Dakota State University Extension Service veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist. Many abortions occur in the first 45 days of conception (called early embryonic death), and the embryos or fetuses are so small that they may not be seen. Other abortions may occur near normal calving time, and determining whether the cow has aborted or given birth premature...

  • Wheat Midge Populations Lower In 2015 Than 2014

    NDSU Extension Services|Apr 1, 2015

    Only 7 percent of soil samples show a moderate to high risk for wheat midge infestation. Soil samples in North Dakota indicate decreased levels of overwintering wheat midge larvae (cocoons) for the 2015 season, according to Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University Extension Service entomologist. A total of 196 soil samples were collected from 21 counties in the fall of 2014 to estimate the regional risk for wheat midge. The distribution of wheat midge in 2015 is based on unparasitized...

  • Elgin-ND Hard Red Spring Wheat Available

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Mar 11, 2015

    Elgin-ND is the first North Dakota State University hard red spring wheat cultivar that combines high yield and good quality. Elgin-ND hard red spring wheat is available for general distribution to growers for the second year after its release by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. Results from hard red spring wheat variety trials showed Elgin-ND had excellent performance. Elgin-ND's average yield from 2008 to 2014 was higher than Barlow, Glenn and SY Soren, three popular North...

  • Winter Seminars Scheduled for Sugar Beet Growers

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Feb 4, 2015

    Seminars for sugar beet growers are scheduled during February in Grafton, Grand Forks, Fargo and Wahpeton. The seminars are sponsored by the North Dakota State University Extension Service and University of Minnesota Extension. Topics include: Subsurface water management Integrated management of aphanomyces Challenges and solutions for sugar beet insect pests Weed management Strategies to manage sugar beet diseases Using the NDSU Extension pest management app The seminars at each location will begin at 9 a.m. Dates and locations are: Feb. 5...

  • Many Crops Project a Loss in 2015

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Jan 21, 2015

    A positive is that projected yields for most crops have increased. Many projected crop budgets show a negative return to labor and management for 2015, according to Andy Swenson, North Dakota State University Extension Service farm management specialist. Crop prices have declined but total production costs have resisted this decline. A positive is that projected yields for most crops have increased and some cost items, most notably fuel, will be lower. About half the regions project a positive...

  • Winter Seminars Scheduled for Sugar Beet Growers

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Jan 21, 2015

    Seminars for sugar beet growers are scheduled during February in Grafton, Grand Forks, Fargo and Wahpeton. The seminars are sponsored by the North Dakota State University Extension Service and University of Minnesota Extension. Topics include: Subsurface water management Integrated management of aphanomyces Challenges and solutions for sugar beet insect pests Weed management Strategies to manage sugar beet diseases Using the NDSU Extension pest management app The seminars at each location will begin at 9 a.m. Dates and locations are: Feb. 5...

  • NDSU Offers Farm/Ranch Succession Planning Education

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Dec 3, 2014

    The NDSU Extension Service is piloting the program at six sites this winter. Have you thought about what your family farm or ranch business will look like when you retire or after you are gone? More than 80 percent of farm and ranch families hope to pass the family farm or ranch on to the next generation, but research shows only 30 percent of family farms and ranches survive to the second generation, and only 12 percent survive to the third generation. A successful transition takes planning. To help North Dakota farm and ranch families start...

  • NDSU Releases New Soybean Variety

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Oct 22, 2014

    Characteristics of ND1406HP include 0.6 maturity, purple flower color, gray pubescence, yellow hila with dull seed coat luster and brown pod color. Producers in the soybean specialty market may be interested in ND1406HP, a new variety developed by the North Dakota State University soybean breeding program. ND1406HP is a conventional (non-GMO) soybean that was released this year from the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. "ND1406HP is intended for the high-protein, tofu or soymilk...

  • Follow the Regulations on the Use, Labeling & Sale of Cover Crops in ND

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Sep 3, 2014

    The days of going to the local elevator and buying common oats or barley to spread as a cover crop are gone. Increasing interest in cover crops, especially mixtures of crop varieties, is generating questions from producers, seed retailers and seed variety owners. All seed sold for use as a cover crop must be labeled according to state seed laws. “Most varieties of cereals and legumes utilized in cover crops are protected by intellectual property laws,” says Ken Bertsch, North Dakota’s state seed commissioner. “Plant variety protection (PVP) a...

  • Consider Pros, Cons of Alternative Grain Storage Methods

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Sep 3, 2014

    All storage options should keep the grain dry and provide adequate aeration. With a considerable amount of last year’s grain crop still in storage, and a bumper crop and low prices this year, the demand for grain storage is high. “Grain can be stored in many types of facilities,” North Dakota State University Extension Service agricultural engineer Ken Hellevang says. “But all storage options should keep the grain dry and provide adequate aeration to control grain temperature.” Grain must be dry and cool (near the average outdoor temperatu...

  • 4-H Youth See Citizenship in Action

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Mar 19, 2014

    Several North Dakota 4-Hers have gained a lesson in citizenship. The 41 4-H youth gathered in Bismarck on Feb. 16 and 17 for the North Dakota State University Extension Service Center for 4-H Youth Development's annual Citizenship in Action program. This event gives youth an opportunity to learn about the executive branch of state government, showcase citizenship and leadership exhibits, share ideas on impacting their community and learn how to become a change agent for the future. Activities...

  • Ag Producers Income Tax Filing Deadline Draws Near

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Mar 5, 2014

    Ron Haugen, NDSU Extension Service farm economist, has some items to note for your 2013 income tax preparation. Agricultural producers have until March 3, 2014, to file their 2013 income tax returns without penalty if they have not made estimates. “Producers have until April 15 to file without penalty if they have paid their estimated tax by Jan. 15,” says Ron Haugen, North Dakota State University Extension Service farm economist. Items to note for 2013 income tax preparation: New for 2013 is an additional Medicare tax of 0.9 percent on wag...

  • Look for Ways to Reduce Heating Costs

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Feb 12, 2014

    This winter’s frigid temperatures and high heating costs are putting a big dent in North Dakotans’ budgets. For example, the cost of filling a 500-gallon propane tank jumped from about $750 to $2,250. “Families struggling to pay for heating bills and keep up with other expenses shouldn’t panic, but they should take steps to manage the hit their family budget is taking this winter,” says Lori Scharmer, North Dakota State University Extension Service family economics specialist. Scharmer recommends sitting down with a calculator to get a real pic...

  • Ag Producers Income Tax Filing Deadline Draws Near

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Feb 12, 2014

    Ron Haugen, NDSU Extension Service farm economist, has some items to note for your 2013 income tax preparation. Agricultural producers have until March 3, 2014, to file their 2013 income tax returns without penalty if they have not made estimates. “Producers have until April 15 to file without penalty if they have paid their estimated tax by Jan. 15,” says Ron Haugen, North Dakota State University Extension Service farm economist. Items to note for 2013 income tax preparation: New for 2013 is an additional Medicare tax of 0.9 percent on wag...

  • Positive Returns Projected in 2014 for Most Crops

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Jan 1, 2014

    Projected crop budgets generally show some return to labor and management for 2014, although the price of most crops declined significantly in 2013 and are not expected to improve, according to Andy Swenson, North Dakota State University Extension Service farm management specialist. A reduction in total costs per acre provides a slight cushion to the impact of lower crop prices. “The overall decline in costs was accomplished because of a 20 to 25 percent decrease in nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer prices and lower fuel prices,” Swenson says....

  • NDSU Offers Updated Crop Compare Program for 2014

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Jan 1, 2014

    The North Dakota State University Extension Services has updated the Crop Compare program, which is a spreadsheet designed to compare cropping alternatives. The program uses the direct costs and yields from the 2014 projected crop budgets for nine regions of North Dakota, but producers are encouraged to enter the expected yields and input costs for their farm. The user designates a reference crop and enters its expected market price. Depending on the region, a broad selection of nine to 18 crops are compared. The program provides the prices...

  • Biologically Effective Grazing Management Workshop Set for Jan. 7-9

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Dec 4, 2013

    Ranchers and land managers will be shown how to manage grasslands with biologically effective grazing strategies that increase available soil mineral nitrogen and generate greater wealth from grazing land’s natural resources without depleting future production. A biologically effective pasture and harvested forage management workshop will be held Tuesday through Thursday, Jan. 7-9, 2014, at the North Dakota State University Dickinson Research Extension Center. Traditionally managed grazing land pastures are chronically deficient in available m...

  • NDSU Releases Elgin-ND Hard Red Spring Wheat

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Dec 4, 2013

    7 marks the first year that Elgin-ND, a hard red spring wheat variety from North Dakota State University, will be available for general distribution to commodity growers. Elgin-ND's attributes are yield, quality and disease protection. Elgin-ND has high yield potential. According to North Dakota variety trial results for 2012, Elgin-ND's yield beat five of the top six most popular varieties for the year in eastern North Dakota. The average yield in 2012 for Elgin-ND across eastern North...

  • NDSU to Hold New Shepherds Clinic

    NDSU Agriculture Communication|Sep 4, 2013

    New shepherds will receive educational material on managing a sheep flock. Anyone interested in starting a sheep-production operation will be able to learn more about it at a workshop the North Dakota State University Extension Service is hosting Sept. 21 at NDSU’s Hettinger Research Extension Center. The New Shepherds Clinic will start at 10 a.m. Mountain time. “Sheep are a good livestock enterprise for youth, families with off-the-farm jobs or existing livestock enterprises seeking diversification,” says Reid Redden, NDSU Extension sheep...

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