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Senator calls for investment in Montana’s transportation infrastructure to increase safety, ease congestion Senator John Walsh today released a federal report that chronicles the growth of rail traffic and its impact on local communities. Walsh in March commissioned the report from the Government Accounting Office (GAO). After Walsh called for the report, the GAO sent researchers across the country, including to Billings, Glendive, and Williston, ND, to assess recent rail traffic trends, particularly those patterns associated with the oil b...
Senator John Walsh today called the Department of Justice’s announcement of Office of Violence Against Women grants an important step in preventing and prosecuting crimes of domestic and sexual violence: “These grants are an important and overdue step to help local communities in the Bakken region prosecute crimes of violence against women and educate the public about sexual assault prevention, making our state safer and stronger. By taking this important first step, we are strengthening our judicial institutions and creating a more eff...
Senator John Walsh today introduced legislation to authorize the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and reform approval of future infrastructure projects to prevent the President from unilaterally stopping projects from moving forward. The Removing Repeated Executive Delays to Transboundary Approvals of Pipelines and Engineering Act – Removing RED TAPE Act – identifies critical infrastructure projects that have become politicized, removes authority for making decisions on those projects from the President, and delegates that res...